January Collection - Nursing Home
Sunday, 1/05
- Prayer Gathering at 9:00am - All are welcome to join in beginning our day of worship in prayer in the intermediate Sunday School room.
- Lunch provided by Brad & Cheryl Baurer
Wednesday, 1/8 - Family Night - Bro. Bill Schmidgall from Fairbury will be doing a presentation on HarvestCall’s Child Sponsorship Program. The evening will begin with a 6:00 pizza supper, with congregational singing beginning at 6:45, followed by the presentation at 7:00. Please sign up for pizza with the following link: January 2025 Family Night Sign-Up Link
Thursday, 1/9 - Helping Hands will meet from 9am-Noon.
Young Group:
- Tuesday, 1/7 - Singing at the Eureka Nursing Home at 7 pm.
- Friday, 1/10 - SALT and LIGHT Combined Bible Study at 7pm at Eric and Jodi Hoffman’s home.
Save the date: There will be a Ladies Coffee on February 1st from 9-10:30
Effective January 2025, our church will no longer provide milk for lunches. If those serving lunch choose to provide milk, 12 - half gallons of 1% has been more than plenty. Depending on where it is purchased, the approximate cost for milk will range from $20 to $35.
Christmas Card Exchange - Reminder to check your folder for Christmas cards in the exchange area which has been set up by the women’s restroom in the North hall. Please have all your cards collected today as the files will be removed after church.
National Church
- Sunday School Curriculum Update -
Thankful that nearly 500 lessons have been written in the last two years. Thank you to those who are working on this here in our congregation. They plan to have the remaining 220 lessons completed by December 2025. Lessons can be accessed in their current format on the following website. https://www.apostolicchristian.org/curriculum-project Additional help for review, copyright and apologetics would be appreciated - brothers and sisters willing to spend 2-5 hours a week. To volunteer, please sign up clicking the Volunteer button on our website by January 19.
- AC Central
- Age of Accountability - Around the Table
- Walking through Disappointment with Our Kids - Breaking Bread
- Grafted Gathering - Past Events
Other Ways to Learn and Serve
- Salem4youth
has a few projects that they could use some help with. First is to help install a walk-in freezer in their cafeteria and another is installing a metal ceiling in the wood working shop. There are some additional smaller repair projects to accomplish as well. The plan is to do this work the weeks of January 6-10 and January 13-17, 8am-3pm. If you have any availability those days, please contact Jerome Witzig at jwitzig@salem4youth.com.