Local Ministries - Young Group

The young group is a group of single believers who will occasionally organize and get together for singings, Bible Studies, or other more informal events.  There are also occasions where young groups from several churches will gather together for a larger event.

These events are intended to encourage each other in our individual walks of life and in our spiritual walk with God.  They also promote building relationships with others through our rich heritage of fellowship both within our local congregation and amongst other congregations.

To help meet the different spiritual needs of the different age groups represented in the young group, it is subdivided into two groups:

  • LIGHT (Living in God's Holy Truth)
  • For those under 20 years old
  • Contact: Sam & Marjorie Bertschi
  • SALT (Single Adults Living Truth)
  • For those 20 years old and over
  • Coordinates and Plans Events through a five-member committee:
  • President: Ethan Hoffman
  • Vice-President: Wyatt Gerber
  • Secretary: Amanda Durand
  • Treasurer: Charity Feucht
  • Committee Member: TBD
  • Contact: Jonathan & Megan Hodel


  • To spiritually edify single believers
  • To bring glory to God (using the Word as a standard)
  • To establish Christian friendships
  • To create a safe atmosphere for believing single men and women to fellowship
  • To provide an alternative to worldly activities
  • To be an example to each other, our families, the church, the community, and the world
  • To support and encourage each other through understanding the Word
  • To encourage preparation as future leaders of the Roanoke Church
  • To promote a unity of Spirit within the Roanoke YG
  • To present opportunities to serve God through helping others
  • To nurture converts

Please see this page for the young group calendar.

Click on the button below to send an email to the young group.

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