Apostolic Christian Church
January Collection - Nursing Home
Sunday, 1/19
Young Group:
Saturday, 1/25 - Trail Life Leader Summit
10am-3pm at the Fellowship Hall. This is an adults-only event for anyone wanting to learn more about Trail Life in general and/or for anyone wanting to get involved with the local troop here at our church. The day will consist of a couple group lectures and a few small-group breakout sessions to learn about specific aspects of Trail Life. Please contact Byron Gerber for more information or to RSVP.
The Prairie Choristers plan to sing some songs at our Good Friday and Easter services. If you would like to sing with them, Please email brother Phil at plhodel@gmail.com
Altadena Collection:
For those who would like to contribute to Altadena, you can put a check in our collection boxes written to the Roanoke Apostolic Christian Church and put Altadena on the memo line
you can give through the HarvestCall Disaster fund at the following link - https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/WebLink.aspx?name=acwr&id=5
New Convert - We rejoice with Libby Hodel (Dustin & Mandy) as she has begun her repentance and walk with Jesus.
The Ladies Coffee will be on Saturday, February 1st. Arrival time is 9:00 and it will end at 10:30. The theme is "Fill My Cup" and all ladies age high school and up are welcome to attend. Here is the link to sign up: https://www.perfectpotluck.com/meals.php?t=TPZD4492&v=7c4ede33a6
Looking Ahead:
National Church:
Other Ways to Learn and Serve
Apostolic Christian Church
Apostolic Christian Church