06/23/24 Announcements

June’s Collection - Operational Fund

Sunday 6/23

  • Our Sunday School Scripture Program will be during the morning service. The kids will go directly to the dining room after the program.
  • PLEASE have your Sunday School children downstairs by 9:30 in order for them to get ready for the program.
  • Lunch provided by Ed and Bonnie Sauder

Wednesday, 6/26

  • Cemetery Volunteer Help Needed from 9-noon. Please text Greg Moser at 309-573-6891 if you are able to help so he can plan accordingly. We plan to continue this each week until Labor Day.

Young Group:

  • SALT & LIGHT: Friday, 6/28 - Random Acts of Kindness Activity
  • SALT: Saturday, 6/29 - Topical Study at Jim & Marge Braker’s at 7pm

Sunday 6/30

  • The Senior Breakfast for the Bible Class will be at 9:15 at the Fellowship Hall. All seniors, their parents, the Bible Class, the Bible Class teachers and their wives are invited.
  • Sunday School Picnic - Please sign up by Wednesday, 6/26. All are welcome to attend at the Roanoke Park Building at 4:00pm.Meat, drink and dessert will be provided. Please bring TWO side dishes to share. Please sign up at the following link - Sunday School Picnic Signup We have rented the pool from 5-7 and there will be the usual softball game at the ball diamond after dinner. If any parents would like to plan a few games for the smaller children, please feel free to provide that.

Wednesday 7/3 - Services will be shortened and follow the family night start time of singing at 6:45

Thank you to everyone who supported Walking for Amy by participating, donating, helping, sponsoring or bringing refreshments! All of your efforts were appreciated. The event brought in $16,808 to help the children at St. Jude. May the Lord bless each of you for your service and generosity! From Bro. Dave and Sis. Barb Schwind and family

Looking Ahead:

  • The 2024 Homecoming Benefit for the nursing home is scheduled for August 23rd and 24th.  This year, all events and activities will take place on our campus.  We are now accepting donated items for the auction, and monetary donations to help offset the expense incurred as we prepare for the Benefit.

National Church

  • Saturday, 7/13 - HarvestCall Proclaim & Serve Conference will be held in Bluffton, IN. To learn more about the conference go to  https://www.proclaimandserve.org/. Registration deadline is 7/9/24.
  • Friday, 8/9 - The Apostolic Christian Church General Conference “For Such a Time as This”  will be held in Peoria. Due to the format this year, you must register for the conference by Friday, July 12th at: General Conference  If you have any questions, contact John Bradle, our Roanoke church contact
  • AC Central
  • God’s sovereignty, predestination, and free will (Part 2 of 2) - Around the Table
  • Helping Our Kids Explore Their Identity - Breaking Bread
  • AC Medical Fellowship Conference - Past Events
  • Discipleship Conference - Past Events.

Other Ways to Learn and Serve

  • American Red Cross Blood Drive held in Roanoke at the park building on July 17th from 12:30 to 5:30. You can sign up by going to www.redcrossblood.org or calling 1-800-RED-CROSS. You can also sign up by calling or texting Julie Blunier . The next blood drive in Roanoke will be held on Sept. 24th. 

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