1/12/25 Announcements

January Collection -  Nursing Home

Sunday, 1/12

  • Lunch provided by Steve & Linda Pfister

Tuesday, 1/14 - Wedding shower for Rachel Sauder & Samuel Owen, Fellowship Hall from 6:30-7:30 pm.

Wednesday, 1/15

  • HOPE will meet at the Nursing Home Multipurpose room from 6:30-8:30 pm. We will be doing Bible journaling, so girls are welcome to bring their Bibles and favorite colored pens/pencils/markers.
  • WOW at Beer Shed at 7 pm.
  • Scripture Memory meet at 7:15 pm

Young Group:

  • Tuesday, 1/14 - Singing at Eureka Nursing Home at 7 pm.
  • Friday, 1/17 - Bible Study/Worship Night at Eric and Jodi Hoffman’s at 7:00 pm

Sunday, 1/19 - Roanoke has been invited to Gridley for a family hymn sing at church at 6:30 pm

New Convert
- We rejoice with Eleanor Carlson as she has begun her repentance and walk with the Lord.

Elder Forums -
Keep Bro Nate and the Elders and Deacons in your prayers as they meet for forums this week -  Jan. 13-14th.

Altadena Fire Update - Please see the attached letter for more details
. High winds and uncontrolled fire have wreaked devastation  and havoc on our community this past week. With gratitude and humility, we saw that our church still stands amidst blocks of smoldering ruins. We thank you for your prayers and would appreciate continued prayers.

Saturday, 1/25 -  Trail Life Leader Summit
10am-3pm at the Fellowship Hall. This is an adults-only event for anyone wanting to learn more about Trail Life in general and/or for anyone wanting to get involved with the local troop here at our church.  The day will consist of a couple group lectures and a few small-group breakout sessions to learn about specific aspects of Trail Life.  Please contact Byron Gerber for more information or to RSVP.

The Ladies Coffee
will be on Saturday, February 1st. Arrival time is 9:00 and it will end at 10:30. The theme is "Fill My Cup" and all ladies age high school and up are welcome to attend. Here is the link to sign up: https://www.perfectpotluck.com/meals.php?t=TPZD4492&v=7c4ede33a6

Effective January 2025, our church will no longer provide milk for lunches
.​ If those serving lunch choose to provide milk, 12 - half gallons of 1% has been more than plenty. Depending on where it is purchased, the approximate cost for milk will range from $20 to $35.

Looking Ahead:

  • Saturday, 2/1 - Ladies Coffee from 9 - 10:30am


National Church

  • Sunday School Curriculum Update - Thankful that nearly 500 lessons have been written in the last two years. Thank you to those who are working on this here in our congregation. They plan to have the remaining 220 lessons completed by December 2025. Lessons can be accessed in their current format on the following website. https://www.apostolicchristian.org/curriculum-project  Additional help for review, copyright and apologetics would be appreciated - brothers and sisters willing to spend 2-5 hours a week. To volunteer, please sign up clicking the Volunteer button on our website by January 19.
  • AC Central
  • Age of Accountability - Around the Table
  • Welcoming Correction as a Disciple of Christ   - Breaking Bread
  • Grafted Gathering - Past Events


Other Ways to Learn and Serve

Salem4youth has a few projects that they could use some help with. First is to help install a walk-in freezer in their cafeteria and another is installing a metal ceiling in the wood working shop. There are some additional smaller repair projects to accomplish as well. The plan is to do this work the weeks of January 6-10 and January 13-17, 8am-3pm. If you have any availability those days, please contact Jerome Witzig at jwitzig@salem4youth.com.

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