October’s Collection - Fellowship Hall Maintenance Fund
Sunday 10/16
- Youth Choir Practice at 9:05
- Ephesians Study – The Gospel Story Shapes Our Story - 2nd Service - Bro. Jonathan (New Life in Love 5:1-20, Submission to One Another 5:21-6:9)
Wednesday 10/19 -
- Scripture Memory
will meet in the dining room at 7:15
- WOW will meet at the Beer’s shed at 7:00
will meet at Nate & Jamie Hodel's shed, 6:45-8:30, for a night of worship and games. Supper will be served.
Tuesday 10/25 -
- Sorting clothes, HarvestCall in Goodfield -
It is Roanoke’s turn from 6:30-8 pm. Please sign up on this link -
Clothes Sorting at Harvest Call on 10/25 or contact Eric or Jodi Hoffman by Sunday the 23rd.
Sunday 11/6 - Thanksgiving Family Hymn Sing
at 5:30 pm. After sharing a meal together in the dining room, we will gather together in the sanctuary to praise our Savior in song! More details and food sign up to follow..
Thank You
- Martha King expresses her thanks for all the prayers, cards, gifts, and visits when she was ill. Her full thank you is posted on the bulletin board.
National Church
- Thurs 11/3- Sat. 11/5 - Hospital Lumiere’s Virtual Benefit Auction- Auction items should be to Bluffton, IN by Oct. 24. For more information or to donate an item or service, visit the HarvestCall website at
Benefit Auction - virtual
- November 12 - Apologetics Conference in Washington - Registration is required and is open until 10/23
Apologetics Conference 2022 | Elders Teaching Rsrc (apostolicchristian.org) The theme is "Who is God?” Topics include: Is God Good? Is Jesus God? Can God Be 3-in-1? Why Does This Matter? This is Why We Worship
- Apostolic Christian Bookstore part time position for Inventory Manager. Job description is on AC Central’s Job Posting tab which gives more details about the position including who to contact.
- AC LifePoints has a severe staffing shortage and have launched a recruitment effort “Send One”. They are asking each congregation to send one missionary to LifePoints as a paid ministry opportunity in dietary, housekeeping, direct care and nursing. The video clip explaining this can be seen here.
- AC Central
- End of Life Issues: Hospice and Palliative Care - Around the Table
- Disagreement in Marriage: When Spouses don’t Share the Same Ideals - Studio
- General Conference - Events
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