October’s Collection - Fellowship Hall Maintenance Fund
Sunday 10/23
- Youth Choir Practice at 9:05
- Ephesians Study – The Gospel Story Shapes Our Story - 2nd Service - Bro. Nate (The Whole Armor of God 6:10-20 and Conclusion 6:21-24)
Tuesday 10/25 -
- Sorting clothes, HarvestCall in Goodfield -
It is Roanoke’s turn from 6:30-8 pm. Please sign up on this link -
Clothes Sorting at Harvest Call on 10/25 or contact Eric or Jodi Hoffman by Sunday the 23rd.
Monday 10/31 -
- Harvest Party -
The Young Group is hosting a party for all 3 yr olds - 8th graders at the Fellowship Hall from 7-8:30. Please send 1# of wrapped candy with each child and they will go home with a mixed bag of candy.
Ordained Deacon - In August, during the conference summary, it was mentioned Roanoke had been given approval by the elder body to seek out an ordained deacon. The first step for our church seeking out an ordained deacon is to pray. The second step is to see if the church feels this is the right time to begin the process. A yes/no vote will be taken on Sunday 10/30 - Wednesday 11/2. Ballots will be available in the north hall next to the ballot box starting on Sunday the 30th. If you prefer to mail your ballot to Bro. Frank, a ballot has been attached to the announcements below.
Sunday 11/6 -
- Thanksgiving Family Hymn Sing
at 5:30 pm. After sharing a meal together in the dining room, we will gather together in the sanctuary to praise our Savior in song! More details and food sign up to follow..
- Worship service at the Peoria Rescue Mission. We will meet in the West parking lot at 7:15. We will be back in time for our Church service.Contact Tim Martin if you have questions.
Sis. Ann Maurer (Sis. Sue Hinrchsen’s Mother) Visitation/Funeral Arrangements -
Bloomington Apostolic Christian Church - visitation 12:30 - 2 and funeral at 2 on Sunday October 23.
National Church
- Thurs 11/3- Sat. 11/5 - Hospital Lumiere’s Virtual Benefit Auction- Auction items should be to Bluffton, IN by Oct. 24. For more information or to donate an item or service, visit the HarvestCall website at
Benefit Auction - virtual
- November 12 - Apologetics Conference in Washington - Registration is required and is open until 10/23
Apologetics Conference 2022 | Elders Teaching Rsrc (apostolicchristian.org) The theme is "Who is God?” Topics include: Is God Good? Is Jesus God? Can God Be 3-in-1? Why Does This Matter? This is Why We Worship
- Apostolic Christian Bookstore part time position for Inventory Manager. Job description is on AC Central’s Job Posting tab which gives more details about the position including who to contact.
- LifePoints Key Leadership Position opening -
The Chief People Officer will lead and manage employee communications, employee relations, policy development, legal compliance, compensation and benefits. For more information contact Blake Stahl 309-266-9781 or apply online at
- AC Central
- Shepherding through Traffic Loss- Around the Table
- Emotional Regulation - Studio
- General Conference - Events
Other Ways to Learn and Serve
Meals on Wheels is looking for volunteers to help deliver meals - there is a Eureka “town route” and a “country route” that delivers to Roanoke, Washington, Metamora and Germantown..Contact Kathy Bowald at 309-467-4440 for more information.