November’s Collection - Gateway Woods
Sunday 11/27
- Youth Choir Practice at 9:05
- Visiting Minister - Bro. Andy Feucht (Bloomington)
- The Trustees want to let everyone know that our new furniture has arrived and the old pieces are available. Each item is numbered. If you would like an item please sign your name, phone number, and which item you desire.
Wednesday 11/30
- Results of the Ordained Deacon Vote Announced - A confirmation vote will be taken. Bros. Harvey Kaeb (Gridley) and Trent Meiss (Eureka) will assist. There will be a shortened service.
Sunday 12/4
- Prayer Gathering -
9:00am in the intermediate Sunday School room. All are welcome to begin our day of worship with sharing some time in prayer.
- Foundation Sunday School Class
will be meeting during morning service in the adult Sunday school classroom in the North east corner downstairs. We encourage any friends to join in. Please contact Bro. Jonathan Hodel if you have any questions.
- 2nd Service -
Special Topic:
Why our Church Tends to be Void of Symbols
- Annual Church Caroling -
We will meet at the fellowship hall at 4:00.
Please RSVP by today-, you can sign up on the bulletin board at church, contact Jessica Beer- 309-261-7499 or or use this link and indicate if you are both singing and eating or just joining us for the meal:Church Caroling RSVP Attendance Link
To help set up, serve, and bring food
please click on the following link:
Church Caroling Set Up, Serve, Bring Food Signup link Also, Greg and Shar Moser are in charge of setup and are looking for a replacement to work with them this year and take over next year.
Tuesday 12/6
- HarvestCall Clothes Sorting
at 6:30 at the Goodfield HarvestCall Distribution Center. The Roanoke Church typically is scheduled for the 4th Tuesday of the month, except for December. Please sign up at this link -
HarvestCall Clothes Sorting Dec. 6 Signup
Wednesday 12/7 - Annual Business Meeting
Sunday 12/25 - Christmas Day Service
- There will be only a 9:30 service. There will be no lunch and no Sunday School
2023 Updates Needed -
Please complete this by Sunday Dec. 11th.
- Church Lunch -
Anyone who wants their name added to or taken off the church dinner list should contact Bro. Harold or Sis. Judy Sauder. A current list is posted on the bulletin board by the ladies restroom for your review.
- Church Directory -
If you have any updates (including e-mail and phone numbers) you may either fill out the form online (, send an email (, or fill out a paper form in the North hall and drop it in the box near the bulletin board..
National Church
- 2023 Cultivating Connections Marriage Conference hosted by ACCFS will be in Roanoke on February 10th-11thL. This year's theme is
Knowing God in Marriage, and we look forward to a time of learning, encouragement, and fellowship. Registration is required for this in-person only event. More information as well as registration can be found at We encourage you to consider joining us for a time of learning together about Knowing God in our marriages! Registration will be open Monday (Tomorrow) 11/7/2022. As the host church, we wanted to give everyone the date in advance as the conference will be limited to a select number of couples.
- AC Central
- Keeping a Heavenward Perspective- Around the Table
- Walking Through the Grief of Suicide: A Testimony - Studio
- Apologetics Conference - Events
Other Ways to Learn and Serve
- Red Cross Blood Drive - The last Roanoke blood drive of the year will be Monday, December 5th from 12:30 - 5:30 at the Roanoke Park Building. Donors can sign up by going to, calling 1-800-REDCROSS or by contacting Julie Blunier at 309-712-7491.