Apostolic Christian Church
December’s Collection - Maintenance Fund - This fund pays for the daily operations of the church. After reviewing the expenses from the last couple of years, the suggested amount per person for maintenance fees is $400
Sunday, 12/10
Wednesday, 12/13 - “The Light” Prairie Chorister/Youth Choir Christmas Programs
Thursday December 14th, Helping Hands will be meeting from 9am-3pm. Lunch will be provided by the committee. For planning purposes, we would like people to contact Rita Schwind if they are planning on coming. We would love to see as many people as possible as we will be working on items for the Roanoke food pantry and the Rescue Ministries.
Berean Prison Ministries is thankful for all of our Bible Study Graders. We'd like to thank you with an appreciation dinner. If you are involved with the Bible Study grading please contact Tim Martin so we can make arrangements.
2024 Updates Needed - Please complete this by Sunday, December 10th.
Lunch & Call List Updates - Anyone wanting to have their name added or removed from the Sunday Lunch Serving List or Funeral Call List should contact Cheryl Baurer (309-645-7505) by 12/1/23.
Church Directory - If you have any updates (including e-mail, phone numbers, as well as phone numbers for your children) you may either fill out the form online ( https://www.roanokeacchurch.org/directory-updates ), send an email (DirectoryUpdates@roanokeacchurch.org), or fill out a paper form in the North hall and drop it in the box near the bulletin board.
Looking Ahead
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Apostolic Christian Church
Apostolic Christian Church