December Collection - Maintenance Fund - This fund pays for the daily operations of the church. After reviewing the expenses from the last couple of years, the suggested donation per person for maintenance is $400.
Sunday, 12/15
- 1st Service - Doug Banwart (St. Louis) plans to have the service.
- 2nd service - Memorandum - Mark Streitmatter (Bloomington) plans to assist. A copy of the memorandum is attached - feel free to print this off and bring it to church if you would like to follow along.
- Lunch provided by Randy & Carol Feucht
Wednesday, 12/18
- Prairie Choristers and the Youth Choir will be presenting "For You,"
a program of Christmas songs, hymns, and scripture. The program will begin at 7:30 and is identical to last Wednesday’s program. All are welcome and encouraged to invite friends and members of the community.
Young Group:
- Tuesday, 12/17 - Singing at Valley Court (Caroling outside their duplexes going door to door) at 7pm.
2025 Lunch Serving List & Funeral Call List Updates:
- Anyone wanting to have their name added or removed from the Sunday Lunch Serving List OR the Funeral Call List should contact Cheryl Baurer (309-645-7505) before 12/1/24.
2025 Church Directory Updates:
- If you have any updates (including e-mail, phone numbers, as well as phone numbers for your children) you may either fill out the form online ( ), send an email ( ), or fill out a paper form in the North hall and drop it in the box near the bulletin board.
For the 2024 Christmas season, a Christmas card exchange area has been set up by the bookshelves near the women’s restroom in the North hall. Each household/family unit in the Roanoke church has a hanging file folder assigned to them to act as their mailbox. These folders have been arranged alphabetically for easy use. Feel free to use the folders to give Christmas cards out to anyone in church. Best efforts have been used to make sure everyone in the church has a folder. If you notice someone in church does not have a folder, please use the extra folders available to fill in their name and file their folder alphabetically.
Looking Ahead:
- Wednesday, 12/25 - Christmas Day Service at 9:30a.m
- Tuesday, 12/31 - New Years Eve Service, no Wednesday, 1/1 service
National Church
- AC Central
- Now live: our new Statement of Faith
- Around the Table
- Understanding ADHD in Adults - Breaking Bread
- Grafted Gathering - Past Events
Other Ways to Learn and Serve
- GriefShare, a faith based grief ministry program, will be held at Goodfield Fellowship Hall starting Jan. 13, 2025 for 13 consecutive weeks from 6:30-8:30pm. This program is for those who have experienced the loss of a spouse, child or close family member and is a safe space to share struggles through videos and participant interaction. Contact for more information.
- Scholarship Opportunity
- A gentleman, who was deeply touched by some of the young people from one of our church communities, has provided a scholarship to students from any of our churches in Illinois, enrolled part-time or full-time at an accredited college, university, or certificate program pursuing a degree in a field that would be beneficial to the Apostolic Christian Home of Eureka, Apostolic Christian LifePoints, and Apostolic Christian Counseling and Family Services, Please contact Bro. Frank for more info.