February’s Collection - HarvestCall General Fund
Sunday 2/12
- Jonah Study during second service - Jonah 3:1-10 - “God's Heart for the Pagan”
- 2024 Bible Class mission trip
- There will be a parent meeting starting right after church this coming Sunday for the 2024 Bible Class mission trip. This will be an informational meeting for all current sophomore and junior parents.
- The church schedule card lists a potluck and family hymn sing for this Sunday, February 12th. This was an error and there is not a church potluck and family hymn sing this Sunday.
- Jon and Jill Fehr would like to thank all those that contributed to the marriage conference this weekend. Thanks for those that bought food assisted with serving and set up, and especially to Byron and Lumpy for their IT and sound help as we worked out a few first night glitches. Special thanks to the couples that attended. We are praying for strong marriages that help build a strong church body. May God bless you all.
Wednesday 2/15
- ACTIVE - meet at 5pm at the IGA parking lot for an evening at the Midwest Food Bank
- WOW - meet at the Beer’s shed at 7:00
- HOPE - meet at Emma Bradle’s home at 7:15
- Scripture Memory - meet in the dining room at 7:15
Friday 2/17
- Young Group Bible Study - at Jim & Marge Braker’s at 7:00
Looking Ahead
- Sunday 2/19
- Second Service Topical Talk - The Holy Kiss - there will also be an update given about the Leman family’s transition back to Roanoke.
- Bible Class ACYF
will be Sunday February 19th at Cissna Park. Singing will start at 6:00pm. Students should be at the church parking lot at 3:00pm.
- Friday 2/24 - Young Group Game Night -
at David and Samantha’s at 7:00.
- Fred and Jodi expect to move back to the area on February 20th and back to Roanoke the 28th, Lord willing. This transition will not always be an easy one and there will be opportunities to help them make it. Bro. Dustin and Sis. Mandy Hodel will be the liaison between the church and Fred and Jodi in organizing help. More details will be coming on such opportunities but in the meantime be prayerful for the Lemans as they make their return and take any questions or inquiries to Dustin and Mandy.
- Saturday 3/4 - Annual Sunday School Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser
from 4:00-6:30pm. at the Fellowship Hall. Both Dine-in and Carry outs will be available. There are sign up sheets on the bulletin board for food donations. Thanks in advance for everyone’s help and support. This is a community event so feel free to invite your friends and neighbors.
National Church
- HarvestCall
- New missionary support card booklets are available on the bookshelf in the north hall. These are a replacement for any older card booklet and will be updated yearly. Please take one as a way to remember the HarvestCall missionaries in prayer.
- HarvestCall Proclaim & Serve Conference -
The date in the church directory calendar is incorrect, it will be held July 7-8. Roanoke church will be hosting which requires many helping hands. We encourage all to attend and learn more about HarvestCall's mission and outreach ministries, and also to help out with volunteer opportunities for the weekend
- AC Central
- Statement of Faith revision (2 of 2)- Around the Table
- Parenting the “Easy” Child - Studio
- Apologetics Conference - Events
Other Ways to Learn and Serve
- The 2023 Midwest Food Bank Virtual On-line Silent Auction is scheduled for April 13-14. The Gala Dinner and Live Auction will be Saturday April 15. The Roanoke committee is currently seeking homemade items, themed dinners or events, and business products or services as auction items. Cash donations can be used by the committee to purchase items for the gala or as Benefit sponsorships. Tables for up to 8 are available for the Gala Dinner and Auction.Deadline for donations will be February 28th. Please contact Jon or Jill Fehr for donations and/or table tickets
Our church calendar: