February Collection - HarvestCall General Fund
Sunday, 2/16
- The young brothers will park cars in the morning and get them after church
- Service at the Rescue Mission in Peoria.
We will leave from the West parking lot at 7:15 for an 8 AM service. We should be back in time for our first service. Singing help is appreciated. If you have questions, please contact Tim or Linda Martin.
- Bible Study during second service on 1 Peter 3.
- Lunch provided by Rita Schwind
- Wedding shower for Grant Leman & Madeline Perez from 1-2 PM
Wednesday, 2/19
- HOPE will meet from 7:15-8:30 at the Roanoke-Benson Hope Center.
at Beer Shed at 7 pm.
- Scripture Memory meet at 7:15 pm
- ACTIVE will meet in the Bible class room at 7:30pm
Young Group:
- Tuesday, 2/18 - Singing
at Valley Court at 7 pm.
- Friday and Saturday, 2/21-22 - Bloomington Invite
Annual Church Cleaning:
- Friday, 2/28 and Saturday, 3/1 - Annual Church Cleaning -
Church cleaning this year will be on Friday, February 28th from 9am-noon and Saturday, March 1st from 9:00am - 3:00pm. Similar to last year's schedule, there will NOT be any cleaning scheduled for Monday day or evening as in previous years with the goal of getting more needed participation from our church family. There will be a snack served Friday morning and lunch served on Saturday. We encourage all those able to assist to come out to help. If you can’t come for the whole time, any length of time would be helpful and appreciated. To donate food for the lunch on Saturday, please sign up at the following link - https://www.perfectpotluck.com/AWYQ6347
- Lost and Found -
Please check the lost and found table for any items that may belong to you. Any items not claimed by March 9th will be donated.
National Church:
- 2025 Perfecting Love | Discipleship Conference
hosted by ACCFS will be held March 15th in Bluffton North, IN. More information as well as registration for this in-person event can be found at https://accounseling.org/discipleship-conference-2025/.
- LifePoints Volunteer Opportunities -
Volunteer opportunities for February and March are available for a variety of needs. Please go to https://www.aclifepoints.org/Vol.asp to find the sign ups and get more information.
AC Central:
- Answering your questions about evangelism & discipleship
- Around the Table
- Six Keys to Better Brain Health - Breaking Bread
- Grafted Gathering - Past Events
Other Ways to Learn and Serve
- The 2025 Midwest Food Bank On-line Auction
will be held March 30 - April 4 with the Gala Dinner and Live Auction on Saturday April 5.
The Roanoke committee is currently seeking homemade items, themed dinners or events, and business products or services as auction items. Cash donations can also be used by the committee to purchase items for the gala or as Benefit sponsorships. Tickets for the Gala Dinner are $75 each and tables for up to 8 can be reserved. Deadline for donations will be February 28th. Please contact Jon or Jill Fehr for donations and/or tickets. Jon Fehr 309-275-4573(c) jonfehr@samleman.com or Jill Fehr 309-261-4711(c)