February Collection - HarvestCall General Fund
Sunday, 2/23
- Bible Study
during second service on 1 Peter 4.
- Lunch provided by Curt & Jenell Hodel
Young Group:
- Tuesday, 2/25- Singing at Eureka Nursing Home at7 pm.
- Friday 2/28 - SALT & LIGHT Guys/Girls Split Speaker Night
at Matt & Jennifer Feucht’s at 7pm.
- Saturday 3/1
- Church Cleaning at 9am
Friday, 2/28 and Saturday, 3/1 - Annual Church Cleaning:
- Church cleaning will be Friday, February 28th from 9am-noon and Saturday, March 1st from 9:00am - 3:00pm. Similar to last year's schedule, there will NOT be any cleaning scheduled for Monday day or evening as in previous years with the goal of getting more needed participation from our church family. There will be a snack served Friday morning and lunch served on Saturday. We encourage all those able to assist to come out to help. If you can’t come for the whole time, any length of time would be helpful and appreciated. To donate food for the lunch on Saturday, please sign up at the following link - https://www.perfectpotluck.com/AWYQ6347
- Lost and Found -
Please check the lost and found table for any items that may belong to you. Any items not claimed by March 9th will be donated.
New Convert: We rejoice with Haley Hodel (Nate and Jamie) as she has begun her repentance and walk with Jesus.
Testimonies and Baptisms: We rejoice with Liz Hodel, Lucy Kaufman and Nick Hoffman as they confess they are at peace with God and man. We look forward to their testimonies and baptisms which are planned for April 12 and 13.
National Church:
- Rooftop Replacement Project in Sabetha, Kansas - A major wind and hailstorm has caused the need for a new roof on the Apostolic Christian Retirement Village in Sabetha. The roof replacement project will be patterned after the Harvest Call winter rebuilding ministry and is planned to start on May 25th. Additional information and a sign-up link follows: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/RRNational
- Job Opportunity -
The Woodhaven Retirement Community, the Apostolic Christian Church sponsored senior living facility in Livonia, MI is looking for a successor for its long-time Executive Director. To apply online, go to https://miniurl.com/Woodhaven4U . The application deadline is April 26. Please email: woodhaven4u@gmail.com for more information or to receive the full job description.
- 2025 Perfecting Love | Discipleship Conference
hosted by ACCFS will be held March 15th in Bluffton North, IN. More information as well as registration for this in-person event can be found at https://accounseling.org/discipleship-conference-2025/.
AC Central
- Answering your questions about evangelism & discipleship
- Around the Table
- Anxiety and Our Youth: A Story - Breaking Bread
Other Ways to Learn and Serve
- Roanoke Benson High School is sponsoring their yearly blood drive on March 7th from 9am - 2 pm. . To sign up, please visit https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=ROANOKE or call the high school at 309-923-8401, ext 1207
- The 2025 Midwest Food Bank On-line Auction will be held March 30 - April 4 with the Gala Dinner and Live Auction on Saturday April 5.
The Roanoke committee is currently seeking homemade items, themed dinners or events, and business products or services as auction items. Cash donations can also be used by the committee to purchase items for the gala or as Benefit sponsorships. Tickets for the Gala Dinner are $75 each and tables for up to 8 can be reserved. Deadline for donations will be February 28th. Please contact Jon or Jill Fehr for donations and/or tickets. Jon Fehr 309-275-4573(c) jonfehr@samleman.com or Jill Fehr 309-261-4711(c)