February’s Collection - HarvestCall General Fund
Sunday, 2/25
- Lunch Provided by Jon and Jessi Schwind
- The Bible Class will be attending the ACYF evening program in Morton. Students are to meet at the high school parking lot at 4:45.
Wednesday, 2/28
- Family Night -
Kent Heimer and Jackie Braker will share about their trip to India. Pizza will be served at 6:00 in the dining room with singing beginning at 6:45 and the presentation at 7:00. Please note that all times have been moved up 30 minutes from previous family nights. Please sign up for pizza at the following link:
Sunday 3/31 Easter Sunday
- 7:15 - Early morning worship service with The Prairie Choristers and Youth Choir
- 8:30 - Easter morning breakfast
- 9:30 - Sunday School and Sunday service - There will be no lunch or 11:30 service.
The Roanoke Nursing Home is collecting bottles of bodywash and shampoo for the residents of the home. If you would be interested in donating these items, there will be collection boxes at each doorway of the church for the next couple of weeks starting this Sunday. Thanks for your willingness to give to our seniors!
Thank you from the Mueller family -
Roanoke church: on behalf of the Mueller family we would like to thank you for all the ways you have loved us during dad’s life and in his passing. The greatest compliment you can give a church during hard times is that you feel the love of Christ through them, and we did feel that from you. Thank you for meals, encouraging texts and faithful friendships during this time. We hope your love to us will help us to better love others as we remember all you did. We love you and sincerely thank you for everything. In Christ, the Mueller family.
Looking Ahead
- Saturday, 3/9 - Bible Class Spaghetti Dinner from 4 - 6:30pm.
- Friday, 3/15 and Saturday, 3/16 - Annual Church Cleaning -
Church cleaning this year will be on Friday, March 15th from 9am-noon and Saturday, March 16th from 9:00am - 3:00pm.There will NOT be any cleaning scheduled for Monday day or evening - note this is a change from previous years with the goal of getting more needed participation from our church family. There will be a snack served Friday morning and lunch served on Saturday. We encourage all those able to assist to come out to help. If you can’t come for the whole time, any length of time would be helpful and appreciated.
- 4/13-14 - Testimonies and Baptisms are scheduled.
- Sunday, 4/14 - Communion at 6:00 pm.
National Church
- AC Healthcare Fellowship Conference on Saturday 4/27 in Gridley
- ALive 2024
hosted by the Athens, Alabama congregation will be held May 24-27 register at:
- AC Central
- Starting a new church in the USA (1 and 2 of 2) -
Around the Table
- Hope Through Depression (Part 2 of 2) -
Breaking Bread
- Apologetics Conference - Talks are available on Past Events
Other Ways to Learn and Serve
The 2024 Midwest Food Bank On-line Auction
will be held April 11-12 with the Gala Dinner and Live Auction on Saturday April 13. The Roanoke committee is currently seeking homemade items, themed dinners or events, and business products or services as auction items. Cash donations can also be used by the committee to purchase items for the gala or as Benefit sponsorships. Tickets for the Gala Dinner are $75 each and tables for up to 8 can be reserved. Deadline for donations will be February 22nd. Please contact Jon or Jill Fehr for donations and/or tickets.