- Morning Services Online at 9:45
- Bro. Luke and Sis. Lydia’s Wedding Service Online at 12:00 -
. They still wish to celebrate with everyone, so there will be a drive-through reception from 1:15-1:30. Enter the west parking lot and drive around the back of the church if you wish to participate. Thank you for the unending support you’ve shown us! We feel God’s love through the Church.
Wednesday 6/3 - Virtual Bible School at 7:15 -
We are looking forward to having a virtual VBS on Wednesday evenings in June. The theme this year is: The Climb of Your Life - A Journey up the Mountain with God. All of the church is encouraged to join us. Parents of students will be receiving information via email regarding materials being provided for younger students. The service will be live streamed on our Facebook page, as well as on sermon streamer. Please remain prayerful for the speakers. We pray this will be a blessing for all of our church family.
Thursday 6/4 - Helping Hands from 9:00 -3:00
Sunday 6/7 - Baccalaureate Service
- Our 2020 graduates are:
Eli Durand, Braden Getz, Gabe Hartter, Clara Hodel, Kara Hodel, Ethan Hoffman, Bailey Leman, Whittney Leman, Carolyn Moser, Carter Sauder, Isaac Wuethrich.
- Today is the last day to submit a video
-In an effort to let them know how much we care, we would like to honor our senior class with a video from our church family. We would like to extend an invitation to each of you to participate in recording a short video offering a piece of advice or well wishes to our graduating class. We are looking to keep these videos between 10-30 seconds. Once you complete your recording, please text your submission to Sis. Jamie Hodel at 309-369-5781. She will text you back that she received it for verification. If you would like to participate but would like help getting a video recorded, please reach out to Sis. Laura Bradle at 309-444-6045.
Gateway Woods Auction Update
After 40+ years of hosting the Auction on our campus, we face uncharted territory due to COVID-19. So with much prayer and deliberation, and on behalf of all of us at Gateway Woods, we are excited to invite the Church to join us for
Hopeful Distancing: The 2020 Auction Experience
This will be a 3-day online event where you can still bid on items against your friends, purchase "pre-priced" items like apparel, and invest in Kingdom work through Gateway Woods. This pared-down virtual Auction will kick off on Thursday, July 30th and run through Saturday, August 1st. We will also hold a live virtual program that Friday evening, full of inspiring stories, along with a chance to to still interact with the staff and other supporters.
Please stay tuned as more information and other giving opportunities will be forthcoming regarding Hopeful Distancing: The 2020 Auction Experience!
For additional information, please contact Bro. Dustin Hodel.
has been featuring special topical sections with submissions from our readers. You are encouraged to contribute. The next topic is:
What has God taught you about loving and truthful communication?
Please relate your experience and any wisdom gained about when to speak vs. listen, confront vs. forebear, etc. Please send your contributions (length: no more than 600 words) on this topic to
. For questions or assistance, contact Bro. Sam Manz at the email address above.
- Apostolic Christian Counseling and Family Services (ACCFS) is a servant agency of the Apostolic Christian Church of America and our elder body. Your generous support enables ACCFS to provide Christ Centered Counseling and Church Outreach Services to our church family and others as requested. Counseling services are provided on a sliding fee scale based on annual family income, so no person is denied help based on their ability to pay. You can learn more about ACCFS at:
You can donate online or send checks to Sis. Jenell Hodel.