June’s Collection - Operational Fund
Wednesday 6/17 - Virtual Bible School at 7:15
- For those who don’t feel comfortable coming on Sunday - join us on Wednesday night - we can seat family groups >20’ apart. (e.g, if you are in a small women’s Bible study group, or have an elderly friend, invite them to church so they don’t have to worship alone). Please
Bro. Duane/Sis. Rachel Schroeder to reserve a spot. There is still plenty of space.
- VBS Collection
- It’s once again time for our annual clothes collection for Renault Sunday School in Haiti! We are collecting new or gently used clothing, size 2T- adult small, children and adult’s shoes, and backpacks. Please no winter coats. In addition to this year’s collection, we are also requesting jars of peanut butter to send to the children. The boxes for donations will be located at the four main entrances until the end of June. The Yordys are also willing to come pick up donations from your house. Contact Sis. Mandy Yordy with questions (309) 678-5484. Thanks for your love and support! This collection has been such blessing in the past, and we are looking forward to sharing God’s love again with these children.
Sunday 6/28 - Sunday School Election -
If a brother or sister has a desire to teach Sunday School they should submit their name to the nominating committee. If a brother or sister would like to nominate someone they feel has the gift of teaching, they should contact the brother or sister to ask for permission to submit their name to the head of Nominating Committee (Bro. Jeff/Sis. Jodie Sauder via text or email: sauder6@yahoo)
All names should be submitted by Monday, June 22.
Current Sunday School Openings are:
(4 year olds - 2nd grade) - two openings,
s (3rd grade - 8th grade) - three openings,
(9th-12th grade) - two openings.
Saturday 8/15 - Testimonies (Baptisms on Sunday 8/16)
- Ethan Hoffman and Joanna Moser
Travel Between Churches -
During this time of reopening in our churches, travel between churches is discouraged.
- Daniel Moser (Bro. Todd and Sis. Kathy) has answered the
of Jesus to repent.
- Our trustees and ushers who have spent many hours making it possible so we can worship together.
- Gateway Woods Auction Update
After 40+ years of hosting the Auction on our campus, we face uncharted territory due to COVID-19. So with much prayer and deliberation, and on behalf of all of us at Gateway Woods, we are excited to invite the Church to join us for
Hopeful Distancing: The 2020 Auction Experience
This will be a 3-day online event where you can still bid on items against your friends, purchase "pre-priced" items like apparel, and invest in Kingdom work through Gateway Woods. This pared-down virtual Auction will kick off on Thursday, July 30th and run through Saturday, August 1st. We will also hold a live virtual program that Friday evening, full of inspiring stories, along with a chance to to still interact with the staff and other supporters. For additional information, please contact Bro. Dustin Hodel.
- Silver Lining -
The Silver Lining
has been featuring special topical sections with submissions from our readers. You are encouraged to contribute. The next topic is:
What has God taught you about loving and truthful communication?
Please relate your experience and any wisdom gained about when to speak vs. listen, confront vs. forebear, etc. Please send your contributions (length: no more than 600 words) on this topic to
by July 15, 2020
. For questions or assistance, contact Bro. Sam Manz at the email address above.
Other Ways to Serve and Learn
- Operation Backpack
is an equalizing program where Woodford County children, rich or poor, start out the school year just like everyone else - with new school supplies! Last year we served over 215 children in need. Every year, there are many families that need assistance with the costly expenses of kids going back to school. We are expecting an increased need this year, due to everything with COVID-19. This year the sign up for Operation Backpack begins the first week of July, and we are asking that all school supply donations be delivered to Heartline and Heart House
by July 27th.
If you know of any children residing in Woodford County who need help with school supplies, please refer their parents to Heartline. We would love to reach out to and help as many children as possible!
- Peachtree City’s Center for Discipleship -
An online program developed by our Atlanta/Peachtree City Church will run from June 15th through July 12th. Each week, we will provide videos of the biblical teaching sessions. Also, at scheduled times throughout the four weeks, all the students will connect through video conferencing and discuss the teachings and weekly readings which will be assigned at the beginning of the program. We will also host live virtual prayer and worship meetings each day. An exciting aspect of this new development is that we will prerecord the biblical teachings and they will be able to viewed at any time of the day. The registration link and more information are available at: