June’s Collection - Operational Fund
Sunday 6/28 - Sunday School Election - Ballot attached below.
Please give prayerful consideration as you mark your ballot. Ballots can be mailed to Frank Sauder or placed in the box at the entry way at church. Balloting will go through next Sunday, 7/5.
Thursday 7/2 - Helping Hands from 9:00 -12:00
VBS Collection through 7/5
-Renault Sunday School in Haiti is in need of new or gently used clothing, size 2T- adult small, children and adult’s shoes, and backpacks. Please no winter coats. In addition to this year’s collection, we are also requesting jars of peanut butter to send to the children. The boxes for donations are located at the main entrances. The Yordys are also willing to come pick up donations from your house. Contact Sis. Mandy Yordy with questions (309) 678-5484. Thanks for your love and support! This collection has been such blessing in the past, and we are looking forward to sharing God’s love again with these children.
Wednesday 7/8 - Memorandum
Friday 7/10 - Proclaim and Serve Virtual Conference from 6:00-9:00 -