Apostolic Christian Church
Sunday 10/17
Bible Class Students - will meet with several other churches at the Midwest Food Bank. The day will include singing, a lesson, food, and packing Tender Mercies food kits. They will meet at the High School at 7:25am and will be back around 3pm.
2nd Service - Overview of the Book of Matthew - first of a 7 week series on Matthew (please read chapters 1-3 in advance)
Wednesday 10/20
Scripture Memory Class will Meet at in the Dining Room at 7:15
WOW will Meet at the Beer’s Home at 7:00
Sunday 10/24
2nd Service - Matthew Chapters 4-7
The Narrative: Christ’s temptation in the wilderness and the beginning of his ministry where he announces the arrival of God’s Kingdom. This Kingdom is central to his teaching because Matthew mentions it over 50 times.
The 1st Sermon - the Sermon on the Mount - Jesus describes a new kingdom - an upside down kingdom which is different from the kingdoms of the world. It is a kingdom where hearts are transformed and people love God by loving their enemies.
October’s Collection - Fellowship Hall Maintenance Fund
College Care Packages - As a church body we would like to remember our college student's by praying for them, encouraging them and sending them a small care package. In the past this has been a huge blessing to the students. If you would like to participate you can pick up a brown envelope from the back hall bulletin board regarding your college students name and information.
Lost and Found - Please check the lost and found shelves located between the ladies' restroom and the bulletin board. Any items not claimed by November 7 will be donated.
Hospital Lumiere’s Virtual Benefit Auction-
Donations are needed for the auction planned for Thursday November 4 through Saturday November 6. Auction items should be in by Oct. 31. For more information or to donate an item or service, visit the HarvestCall website or the auction website at:
Sunday 11/7 - Bible Class Mission Trip Harvest Dinner at the Fellowship Hall at 5:30 - Please contact Sis. Mandy Yordy at 309-678-5484 or smyordy98@gmail.com , by 10/24 to reserve your tickets/tables. Thank you for your support!
Saturday 11/20 - Testimonies - Ethan Hodel and Natalie Hodel
Apostolic Christian Church
Apostolic Christian Church