Apostolic Christian Church
November’s Collection - Gateway Woods
Saturday 11/20 - Testimonies at 6:45 - Ethan Hodel, Natalie Hodel, and Riley Beer
Sunday 11/21 - Baptismal Service followed by Baptisms at 11:30
Thursday 11/25 - Thanksgiving Day Service at 9:30 - Wednesday evening services on 11/24 are cancelled
Sunday 12/5 - Annual Church Caroling - We will meet at the fellowship hall at 4:00. Please sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend. To help set up, serve, and bring food please click on the following link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090A4AA5AC2BAA8-christmas
Wednesday 12/15 - The Song of Emmanuel at 7:15 - An evening of Scripture and song celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. There will be songs from the Prairie Choristers and a men's group, along with congregational singing. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Please come and bring a friend!
Saturday 12/25 - Christmas Day Service at 9:30 - Wednesday evening services on 12/22 are cancelled. Sunday Services on 12/26 will follow our regular format.
Hosts Needed for Young Group - If you would like to host a young group event, please contact Sisters Destyne King or Joanna Moser
Thank You - Thank you to all who remembered my 105th birthday with beautiful cards and gifts. In His love, Harold Roth
Other Ways to Serve and Learn
HarvestCall Winter Rebuilding Project in Lafayette, LA - Forty volunteers are needed each week starting January 9, 2022 and continuing through March 25, 2022. Online registration is required for all team members and opens at noon Central time on Wednesday, November 17th at www.harvestcall.org
Prayer for the Kidnapped Missionaries in Haiti - If you would like more information about the kidnapping, please click on this link: Update on Haiti kidnapping - Christian Aid Ministries
Apostolic Christian Church
Apostolic Christian Church