Apostolic Christian Church
November’s Collection - Gateway Woods
Sunday 11/7
Prayer Gathering at 8:45 in the Intermediate SS Room
Peoria Rescue Mission Service - we will leave from the West parking lot at 7:15. Extra singers are welcome. The service is at 8 AM. (Don't forget the time change) At present, they request that you wear a mask when entering and leaving the Chapel. Any questions, please contact Bro. Tim Martin.
2nd Service- Matthew 11-13
The Narrative: Matthew shows how different people respond to Jesus, including John the Baptist. Some embrace him and some reject him. Chapter 12 is the turning point of the book where the Pharisees begin to discuss how they can destroy Jesus.
The 3rd Sermon - Parables of the Kingdom - Almost every parable begins with the phrase: “The kingdom of heaven is like…” He explains to his followers why he uses the parables in 13:11 “...because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them (those who reject him) it is not given”
Ballots for the Roanoke Church Remodel Project are Due - You can vote by email, mail or the ballot box in the back hall.
Lost and Found - Any items not claimed by today will be donated.
Harvest Dinner - Just a reminder for those attending the Harvest Dinner this evening.. There will be a valet service offered and we encourage you all to take advantage of this opportunity.
Sunday 11/14
2nd Service - Matthew 14-18
The Narrative - John the Baptist dies. Jesus continues doing miracles including the feeding of the 5,000 and the 4,000 which evokes memories of Moses feeding the Israelites in the wilderness. Jesus’ popularity grows among the common people and his opposition increases among the religious leaders. Jesus begins explaining about how he must suffer and die, but it is beyond his disciples' understanding.
The 4th Sermon - Terms of Discipleship - You must become like a child to enter the kingdom. His kingdom is based on humility and forgiveness.
ACYF Evening in Fairbury at 6:00pm. All are welcome to join for song worship. Students will be meeting at the Pizza Place at 4:00 for supper before they leave.
Nominations for Church Trustee, Fellowship Hall Trustee, Nursing Home Board and Nominating Committee Due 11/14 - Please turn in potential candidates to the Nominating Committee. We plan to inform the church of the candidates the week of the 22nd in preparation for the Business Meeting on 12/1.
Saturday 11/20 - Testimonies at 6:45 - Ethan Hodel, Natalie Hodel, and Riley Beer
Thursday 11/25 - Thanksgiving Day Service at 9:30 - Wednesday evening services on 11/24 are cancelled
Saturday 12/21 - Christmas Day Service at 9:30 - Wednesday evening services on 12/22 are cancelled. Sunday Services on 12/26 will follow our regular format.
New Converts - Joshua Feucht (Bro. Matt and Sis. Jennifer) and Jackson Beer (Bro. Neal and Sis. Jessica)
Other Ways to Serve and Learn
Hospital Lumiere – volunteers are needed November 8-13 to help ship and deliver auction items, and to assist winning bidders picking up items in Eureka. Contact Rich Bertschi at 309-440-8012 or lemangm@mtco.com
HarvestCall Winter Rebuilding Project in Lafayette, LA - Forty volunteers are needed each week starting January 9, 2022 and continuing through March 25, 2022. Online registration is required for all team members and opens at noon Central time on Wednesday, November 17th at www.harvestcall.org
Prayer for the Kidnapped Missionaries in Haiti - If you would like to sign up to for a prayer time slot with CAM or desire more information about the kidnapping, please click on this link: Update on Haiti kidnapping - Christian Aid Ministries
Apostolic Christian Church
Apostolic Christian Church