Apostolic Christian Church
January’s Collection - Roanoke Nursing Home and Building Fund - make checks out to the Apostolic Christian Church and write the fund on the memo line. You can also donate at: roanokeacchurch.org
Sunday 1/30 - 2nd Service - James 1:1-12
Bible Class Events
Ski Trip is this Saturday the 29th. The bus leaves the Roanoke High School parking lot at 5:30am and should be back around 9:30pm. There are seats available for anyone who wants to go! Contact bro. Eric or sis. Jodi Hoffman for details.
ACYF - February 20th and 27th, Roanoke is hosting the ACYF evening programs. The programs are at 6:00pm and include song worship from our Illinois Churches Bible Class students. All are welcome to join us.
Spaghetti Supper - Saturday March 5th is the Sunday School Spaghetti Supper fund raiser at the Fellowship Hall from 4:00pm to 6:30.
Building Project Update
Financial First, we are thankful to God and to our generous congregation for providing the necessary funds to complete the project. We have met and exceeded our goal. We are thankful that we can expect to have a balance in our building fund when this project is complete. Although we will have been able to remodel almost the entire church building over the past years and have been able to keep both the building roof and parking lot in good condition, we know that some time down the road both of those areas will require significant upgrades which will be costly. The extra funds donated for this project will help establish a fund for future trustees to tap into when these upgrades are needed.
Anticipated Dates - We have made deposits on the carpet, benches and panels and have received estimates for both the time they will be available and the time it will take for installation. Although we know these are subject to supply chain disruptions, none are anticipated at this time, and we are planning on this being a six-week project. We have included an extra week in our schedule. The time frame is primarily controlled by the delivery of the benches, and we are told that they will be available by June 20th . Based on that date, our beginning date for demolition would be Thursday, May 12th and our anticipated completion date would be Wednesday, June 29th. If we can stick to that date, we would have cleaning days on Wednesday and Thursday, June 29th and 30th and our first service in the renovated church would be on Sunday, July 3rd. We will keep the church updated if there are any adjustments to these anticipated dates.
Additional Information - If anyone would like to have one of the current benches please contact Brother Steve Pfister and he will reserve it for you. Please continue to pray for God’s direction on this project and for safety for all those involved in the renovation. Once again, THANK YOU for your generous support – we look forward to working with all of you to complete this project and thank our Lord for his continuing bountiful provision.
Other Ways to Learn and Serve
Family Praise and Worship Night on Saturday February 5th at the Cannery in Eureka at 6:30 pm. This is a good way to reach out to your friends and family. For more information contact Bro. Steve Aeschleman.
The 2022 Midwest Food Bank Virtual On-line Silent Auction is scheduled for March 31 to April 1. The Midwest Food Bank Gala Dinner and Live Auction will return this year on Saturday April 2. The Roanoke committee is currently seeking homemade items, themed dinners or events, and business products or services as auction items. Cash donations can be used by the committee to purchase items for the gala or as Benefit sponsorships. Tables for up to 8 are available for the Gala Dinner and Auction. Deadline for donations will be February 28th. Please contact Jon or Jill Fehr for donations and/or table tickets: Jon Fehr 309-275-4573(c) jonfehr@lemanauto.com Jill Fehr 309-261-4711(c) jfehr@eureka.edu
2022 Cultivating Connections Marriage Conference by ACCFS will be hosted on February 11th-12th in Latty, OH. This year's theme is Renewing your Marriage, and we look forward to a time of learning, encouragement, and fellowship. Registration is required for this in-person only event. More information as well as registration can be found at: www.accounseling.org/marriageconference2022 Some of the marriage conference sessions will be made available on AC Central. Roanoke will be hosting this conference on Feb 10-11, 2023
Apostolic Christian Church
Apostolic Christian Church