Apostolic Christian Church
February’s Collection - HarvestCall General Fund
Sunday 2/27
2nd Service: James 4:1-5:6 - Faith is Evidenced by: Humility andTrusting in God and not Wealth (Bro. Andy Kaufmann/Bloomington)
ACYF at 6:00 - Roanoke is again hosting ACYF this evening. The Bible Class students should be at church at 3:50. The program will begin at 6:00. All are welcome to join us.
Wednesday 3/2
HOPE & ACTIVE at the fellowship hall at 7:30
Scripture Memory Class at 7:15 - final practice before the SMC program on Sunday.
Saturday 3/5 - Sunday School Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser - at the Fellowship Hall from 4:00pm to 6:30. We are in need of a few more signups, the signup sheet for food donations is on the bulletin board by the women restroom.
Sunday 3/6
2nd Service: James 5:6-20 - Faith is Evidenced by: Patience, Prayer, Restoration (Bro. Matt)
All Church Pizza Party & Scripture Memory Program at 5:30 - Everyone in church is invited to join us for pizza and to hear the Scripture Memory Program.
Please sign up using this link if you are attending and eating pizza:
Food Sign Up Link:
Saturday 4/2 - Testimonies: Samantha Bertschi, Amanda Durand, Wyatt Gerber, Gabby Yordy
Convert - Bro.Bob Martin was baptized at his home on 2/23.
Other Ways to Learn and Serve
The 2022 Midwest Food Bank Virtual On-line Silent Auction is scheduled for March 31 to April 1. The Midwest Food Bank Gala Dinner and Live Auction will return this year on Saturday April 2. The Roanoke committee is currently seeking homemade items, themed dinners or events, and business products or services as auction items. Cash donations can be used by the committee to purchase items for the gala or as Benefit sponsorships. Tables for up to 8 are available for the Gala Dinner and Auction. Deadline for donations will be February 28th. Please contact Jon or Jill Fehr for donations and/or table tickets: Jon Fehr 309-275-4573(c) jonfehr@lemanauto.com Jill Fehr 309-261-4711(c) jfehr@eureka.edu
Annual Sister Heart Singing at Minneapolis on April 23-24! Sister Heart Registration - Due by Mar 31 (google.com) If you have questions please contact Sis. Bonnie Rocke at SisterHeart2022@gmail.com or 651.373.7371.
The Silver Lining is asking for reader's contributions on the topic: “What lessons, benefits, and inspirations have you carried forward from having a godly mother (or mother figure) in your life (2 Timothy 1:5)?" The deadline for emailing submissions is March 15. Further information is posted on the bulletin board.
Traveling VBS - If you have questions, would like to receive the informational emails with dates for this summer’s VBS dates, or learn more about this opportunity, let our Team Coordinators (Phil and Leah Dreste) know at: philandleah16@gmail.com or 217-552-4865.
Discipleship Conference on April 2 in Morton - some of the topics covered are: discipling teens, your family, the difficult, etc. Discipleship Conference 2022 – ACCFS (accounseling.org)
Apostolic Christian Church
Apostolic Christian Church