March’s Collection - LifePoints
Wednesday 3/23
- HOPE will meet at Bro. Jason & Sis. Emma Bradle’s home at 7:00.
Thursday 3/24 - April Church Calendar - Last day to submit items:
Sunday 3/27 - Church service at Belvidere -
Bro. Jonathan Hodel’s family plans to travel to Belvidere to help encourage this small congregation. If you would like to join them, please meet in the church parking lot at 8:00 AM on Sunday. They plan to return home around 4:30. If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Jonathan.
Wednesday 3/30 - Pre-Communion Message -
Following the pre-communion message we will have a member meeting. Converts are welcome to attend the meeting.
Saturday 4/2 - Testimonies at 6:45:
Samantha Bertschi, Amanda Durand, Wyatt Gerber, Gabby Yordy
Sunday 4/10 - Communion at 6:00
Friday 4/29 - Save the Date for Ladies’ Night -
“Planting Seeds of Wisdom” from 6:45 - 8:30. More details will follow.
Young Group Weekly Updates -
If you are interested in getting the young group updates, please contact
Other Ways to Learn and Serve
- Ukraine Updates:
Updates on helping Ukrainian brethren (
- Discipleship Conference on April 2 in Morton - some of the topics covered are: discipling teens, your family, the difficult, etc.
Discipleship Conference 2022 – ACCFS (
- Annual Sister Heart Singing
at Minneapolis on April 23-24!
Sister Heart Registration - Due by Mar 31 ( If you have questions please contact Sis. Bonnie Rocke at or 651.373.7371.
- Apostolic Christian Medical Fellowship Conference is on Saturday April 30, 2022, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Goodfield Fellowship Center. If you are not on their registry but would like to attend the conference, please contact:
- Traveling VBS
- Volunteers needed, If you have questions, would like to receive the informational emails with dates for this summer’s VBS dates, or learn more about this opportunity, let our Team Coordinators (Phil and Leah Dreste) know at: or 217-552-4865.
- An Appeal for Workers at our Various Church Missions (e.g., our nursing home and other AC Nursing Homes, LifePoints, Gateway Woods, HarvestCall etc. and various parachurch orginazations such as Prairie Christian School, etc.) You can check out job opportunities on AC Central under “Job Postings”