Apostolic Christian Church
April’s Collection - Charity Fund
Sunday 4/14
Wednesday, 4/17
Friday, 4/19 - Ladies Night from 7-8:30 pm with an arrival time of 6:45. Ladies high school age and up can sign up on the link https://www.perfectpotluck.com/meals.php?t=TPZD4492&v=7c4ede33a6# for a lighthearted evening of joy and laughter together.
ACYF Day - The Bible Class will be going to Fairbury next Sunday the 21st for ACYF Day. Students will need to meet in the west church parking lot at 7:25 AM in order to leave at 7:30 and they will return around 4 or 4:30.
Church Photo Digital Directory - We have received many requests for a photo digital directory and are moving forward with this. We plan to take photos of households and each person alone. We will do this on Sundays, April 21st and 28th following church in the North Hall. If these dates do not work for you, you can email photos to Byron at DirectoryUpdates@roanokeacchurch.org . We request that they have a plain background - 1 group photo of your entire household (landscape format) and then 1 of each person alone (portrait format). If you have any questions, you can contact a trustee. We thank you for your cooperation and pray this will be a blessing to all.
The nominating committee has begun the process of nominating Sunday school teachers for the 2024-2025 Sunday school year. If you have any individuals you would like to nominate for a Sunday school teacher position, please contact Bro Bob or Sis Ann Knepp or any member of the nominating committee by Saturday 4/20. When brothers and sisters for each position have been identified, these individuals will then go through the usual interview process with the minister team before becoming a Sunday School teacher. Please keep this teacher selection process and the nominating committee in your prayers
The nursing home is asking for volunteers to help remove wallpaper in some areas that are being remodeled. The home does have a steamer, but could use more. Work hours are very flexible. If this is something you could help with in the next couple of weeks, please contact Nate.
Contact Person Needed - Every October, there is an annual “Illinois Potluck”. We are looking for a contact person for Roanoke church. If interested or for more information, please contact Karen Leman.
Looking Ahead
National Church
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Apostolic Christian Church
Apostolic Christian Church