April’s Collection - Charity Fund
Sunday 4/16
- 2nd Service - Romans 1 Study
- Belvidere Church Invite -
Please contact Bro. Jonathan or Sis. Megan Hodel if you are interested in supporting the Belvidere Church
- Chicago Church Invite -
Please contact Bro. Scott or Sis. Bev Luginbuhl if you are interested in supporting the Chicago Church.
Wednesday 4/19 -
- HOPE - meet in the dining room from 7:15-8:30. We look forward to an evening of flower arranging with the Roanoke duplex ladies.
- WOW - at the Beers at 7:00.
- ACTIVE will meet at church.
New Hymnal Update - The song leaders are ready to fully incorporate the new book into our song worship. At the beginning of any pre-service worship singing, the song leaders will select a book from which to sing. To avoid confusion, that book will be used for the remainder of that song set. For individual songs during and after sermons, any book may be used. The song leaders are thankful to everyone for their support in adding the new book to our worship.
Helping Hands is looking for men's ties and women's scarves for our Haiti S.E.E.D. graduation gift bags. There will be a box at the south west entry. Thank you!
AC CENTRAL Version 4 should be available in the app stores next week. This is a major update with a completely new user interface and many new features. Due to the significant changes, please note the attached PDF for more information or click this link -
AC Central Version 4 Features
Looking Ahead
- Tuesday 4/25 - Clothes sorting at the HarvestCall building in Goodfield from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. Following is a link to sign up.
Harvest Call Clothes Sorting 4/25
- Wednesday 5/3 National Day of Prayer Eve Services
- Saturday 5/6 - Testimonies - Jackson Beer, Ashley Fischer, Dan Moser (with baptisms on Sunday 5/7)
- Communion at the Home will be in June - The exact date will be determined when the remodel project gets closer to completion which will allow us to use the multi-purpose room.
National Church
- Sunday 4/30 - LifePoints’ Midwest Gospel Sing at Five Points at 6:00 PM
- AC Central
- Hold on to true joy
- Around the Table
- Our Intuitive Playbook -Why we think, feel and react to people the way we do Part 3 - Studio
- Sunday 7/23 - Church service in the Black Hills area in western South Dakota - If you are interested, please see the following link:
Other Ways to Learn and Serve
- Saturday 4/22 - Key Influences on Samuel Froehlich - presentation by Luke Fischer at 10 AM at the Mennonite Historical Society on 116 between Metamora and Germantown Hills.
- Red Cross Blood Drive at the Roanoke Park Building on Tuesday May 9th from 12:30 to 5:30. Sign up for a donation time by going to
redcrossblood.org,calling 1-800-RedCross or contacting Julie Blunier at 309-712-7491 or ajblunier98@gmail.com