Apostolic Christian Church
April’s Collection - Charity Fund - There has been some confusion between the charity fund and the HarvestCall collection. Money collected for HarvestCall does not fund local needs such as: Helping Hands, a roofing project, flood or fire damage to a home, etc. All local needs are funded through our charity fund. HarvestCall exists to enable the brotherhood to proclaim Christ and serve others beyond the capacity of the local church.
Sunday 4/24
Sunday 5/1
Wednesday 5/4 - National Day of Prayer Eve Service at 7:15
Sunday 5/22 - Baccalaureate Service - This is a date change to match R-B’s Graduation
Friday 4/29 - Ladies' Night from 6:45-8:30pm at the Fellowship Hall - "Planting Seeds of Wisdom"
Join women of Roanoke church for an evening sharing life wisdom and ideas for practical home & life management as we strive for godly living. Please bring a home or life tip to share that has been helpful to you (i.e. hospitality, time management, organizing, shopping wisely, gardening, cooking, baking, meal planning, laundry, etc) .
VBS - We are looking forward to our Summer Vacation Bible School which will be held June 6-10. This is an activity that brings many opportunities to serve. Please use the link below to access a sign-up sheet for help during Vacation Bible School. The nightly themes are listed in an attachment to the announcements. If you have any questions regarding the sign-up or Vacation Bible School for grades 3 years old - 8th grade, please contact Sis. Jamie Hodel.
Small Group Gatherings Starting Soon! - Are you interested in spending time with others in our congregation? Small group gatherings are a new opportunity to interact and build relationships for all ages that attend the Apostolic Christian Church of Roanoke. We encourage participation for people in single digits to triple digits. Sign up as an individual, couple, family, or as 2-3 friends. These gatherings will allow for “participation only” or the opportunity to participate as a host occasionally if you choose. Those who host can indicate preferences at sign-up on the size and type of group they would prefer and can choose to be as creative or as simple with hosting as they feel comfortable. A few examples would be bonfire and singing, coffee and dessert evening, have dinner together, plan a fish fry, appetizer potluck, picnic in the park, or pizza party. Gatherings will occur two times this year as a way to help our church body connect and spend time together with a variety of people. If you have an interest in gathering, please sign up at https://www.roanokeacchurch.org/small-group-gatherings or contact Sister Kathy Knapp or Sister Penny Maher.
Remodeling Update
Update from the Leman family in PNG
To our Roanoke church family,
We would like to start by saying thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the love, prayers and encouragement we have felt even from the other side of the world.
From the beginning of our time of walking through the open doors to the mission field we have always prayed that the Lord would give us clear direction in everything. Over the course of this last year in PNG we have experienced an incredible amount of growth and many moments of testing. Due to several circumstances that have arisen for our family, we believe that the Lord is closing the door to our time in PNG.
We have always felt like serving in PNG was a stepping stone for our life. A place where God wanted us to grow and learn from Him and about Him and we have felt just that.
While we didn't expect these doors to close so soon for our time here, we feel peaceful that the Lord is moving us in this direction.
This July we plan to come back to the States and land at the JAARS Campus in North Carolina for a time while we can seek the Lord's guidance for the next step for our family. It is very likely that we will be able to plug into the aviation department there and continue to support the global Bible Translation movement while being stateside.
We are tentatively planning on making a trip back to the Roanoke area in early August. We look forward to a time when we can talk with you all face to face and share more about how the Lord has been working and moving.
We would also like to share a passage that has been really powerful for us in the midst of the decision making. " Listen to advice and accept instruction, so that you may gain wisdom in the future. Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand." Proverbs 19:20-21
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Apostolic Christian Church
Apostolic Christian Church