5/12/24 Announcements

May’s Collection -  ACCFS

Sunday 5/12

  • Second Service All Church Bible Study - I Thessalonians 4
  • Lunch provided by Young Group 

Wednesday, 5/15 

  • HOPE will meet from 6:00-8:30 at Ben & Brittany Hodel's home.
  • ACTIVE - End of year party at Ty & Sara Schick's, 7-8:30pm. 
  • WOW at the Beers

The Baccalaureate Service for our graduating seniors will be next Sunday May 19th during the morning service. 

  • This year's seniors are: David Bertschi, Clay Fischer, Brooklyn Getz, Hattie Hodel, Libby Hodel, Nick Hoffman, Lucy Kaufmann, Maggie Luginbuhl and Kam Schumacher. Remember to pray for them as they take this next step in their lives. 

VBS Snack Donation - For anyone interested in donating snacks for the students downstairs the week of VBS, please see a food sign up at the following link. Thank you for being willing to contribute!

Perfect Potluck | a free online tool for coordinating meals for groups

Harvest Call Information:

  • Updated HarvestCall brochures are on the bookshelf in the north hall. They give an overview of HarvestCall's Four Strategic Focus Areas, and ways to be involved in their missions. 
  • HarvestCall Proclaim & Serve Conference will be held on July 13th in Bluffton, IN. To register and learn more about the conference go to  https://www.proclaimandserve.org/

Looking Ahead

  • 5/19 - Baccalaureate Service
  • 5/26-6/1 - Bible Class Mission Trip
  • 6/3 -6/7 - Vacation Bible School

National Church

  • ALive 2024 hosted by the Athens, Alabama congregation will be held May 24-27 register at: www.ALiveAlabama.com
  • AC Central
  • Trusting in Scripture - Around the Table
  • Making Peace with Pain (Part 1 of 2) - Breaking Bread

Other Ways to Learn and Serve

  • LifePoints is trialing Sign-up Genius as a way to help facilitate Volunteers to sign up for individual and group volunteering. The following link has information about volunteering at LifePoints and includes links to the Sign-Up Genius sites for various opportunities.https://www.aclifepoints.org/Vol.asp  Any inquires, email Volunteer@aclifepoints.org or call 309.220.7604.

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