May’s Collection - ACCFS
Sunday 5/28
- Romans Chapter 5 Study 2nd Service
Thursday 6/1
Thank you -
We would like to thank our church family for the many prayers, beautiful cards, and
memorials sent in memory of our dad, Fred Rieker. Our hearts are humbled by the
outpouring of love. God Bless You! Tom and Mary Sauder
We are looking forward to VBS which will be held June 5-8th. Singing for students 3 years old through 8th grade will begin at 6:45. Students will be released around 8:05. Please sign up any friends your children will be bringing no later than Sunday 5/21.There is also a spot to sign up any incoming 3 year olds. We have a need for helpers and thank you in advance for your willingness to help. Please sign-up on the following link ..
VBS 2023 SignUp Link Thanks for your commitment to serve our students!
VBS Downstairs Snack Sign Up -For anyone interested in donating snacks for the children downstairs the week of VBS, please see the attached food sign up at the following link. Thank you for being willing to contribute!
VBS Downstairs Snack Donation Link
Looking Ahead
- Sunday 6/4
- Prayer Gathering - 9:00am in the intermediate Sunday School room. All are welcome to begin our day of worship with sharing some time in prayer.
- Foundations Class
during the morning service
- Monday-Thursday, June 5-8 - Vacation Bible School
- 2023 Camp Dates -
- Junior High Boys Camp -
June 9 - 11
- Senior High Boys Camp -
June 9 - 11
- Senior High Girls Camp -
June 9 - 11
- Junior High Girls Camp -
June 15-18
- Communion at the Home will be in June - The exact date will be determined when the remodel project gets closer to completion which will allow us to use the multi-purpose room.
- June 25 - Sunday School Picnic
- July 7-8 - Proclaim & Serve in Roanoke
National Church
- HarvestCall Haiti Dairy Benefit Dinner: Saturday, June 17, 2023 at Fairbury Fellowship Hall. RSVP by June 13th at
- 2023 Men’s Sing will be hosted by Bluffton and Bluffton North churches on Saturday, Aug. 19, 2023, in the Bluffton North sanctuary. Registration is now open at
Apostolic Christian Men Sing Link. For questions, contact Bro. Chet Baumgartner at Further details will also be published on the web site. To God be the glory.
- AC Central
- After the Proposal (1 of 2)
- Around the Table
- The Benefits of Spiritual Disciplines Part 1 - Breaking Bread
Other Ways to Learn and Serve
- Walking for Amy - Help with refreshments, please sign up here: St. Jude Benefit in memory of Amy Schwind will be Saturday, June 3 at the Roanoke Park. There will be a 5K and 2 Mile Walk beginning at 8am followed by a Disc Golf Tournament. You can register online at: -
Walk for Amy Registration Link 2023 or on the day of the event.
- Truth Academy is holding a Spring Market fundraiser including bake sale, homemade goods, dinner & auction. Saturday, June 3 from 3-7pm, auction at 6:30. 706 50th Street, El Paso, IL 61738