Apostolic Christian Church
June’s Collection - Operational Fund - This collection funds our national church costs which includes, AC Central, National Church Website, Onward Media, liability insurance, Elder Forums, etc. It also funds Roanoke’s operational costs which includes: Church Phone Directory, Minster Directory, Silver Lining subscriptions, Church sponsored ACCFS Speakers, Ladies’ Day, Young Group expenses, Roanoke ministers’ travel expenses, etc.
Wednesday 6/15 - Hymn Sing from 7:00 - 7:30 prior to service
Sunday 6/19 - Annual Bible Class Senior Breakfast 9:15 - Due to the church service being held in the fellowship hall, the breakfast will be at Caleri's in Roanoke. Senior graduates, their parents, the remainder of the Bible Class students, Bible Class teachers and their wives are invited. Please check your email for more details and RSVP to Sis. Gini by June 7.
Wednesday 6/22 - Memorandum - Bro. Kent Heimer plans to be with us.
Sunday 6/26 - Sunday School Picnic - With our current schedule, we are going to have lunch at 12:30 at the Roanoke Park Building. Food and table service will be provided so just bring your family! Games, fun, and fellowship will follow. Remember to bring softball or any other sports equipment you might be using.
August 26-27 Homecoming Day Benefit Auction - Please consider donating an item or service or make a monetary donation to our Homecoming Day Benefit. Monetary donations may be mailed to the Apostolic Christian Home of Roanoke Benefit Fund (ATTN Nate Hoffman, PO Box 530, Roanoke, IL 61561). If you have an item to donate, please contact Cheryl Baurer cabaurer@hotmail.com or call 309-645 7505 to arrange a time to deliver an item to her home. We would appreciate hearing from you by Monday, August 1st so your donation can be advertised ahead of the auction.
Sunday School Nominations - If you would like to nominate someone for Sunday School, after you get their permission, please submit their name to the Nominating Committee. All names need to be turned in by June 19th.
Ministries and Talent Survey - To better identify where people desire to serve in our church, Please complete the online survey. We encourage everyone (members and friends from high school on up) to complete the survey. It takes about 2-3 minutes to complete. https://www.roanokeacchurch.org/ministries-and-talents-survey This survey will also be used by the Nominating Committee for the upcoming Sunday School election.
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Apostolic Christian Church
Apostolic Christian Church