June’s Collection - Operational Fund
Sunday 6/25
- Visiting Minister -
Bro. Isaac (Rachel) Wofford
- After the first service,
there will be an end of the year Sunday School program.
- Sunday School Picnic -
4:30 pm. at the Roanoke Park Building. ALL are welcome, this is not reserved just for families with Sunday School aged children! The pool is reserved from 5-7 and the yearly softball game will begin after dinner.
Tuesday 6/27 is Roanoke's evening for clothes sorting
at the HarvestCall building in Goodfield from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. Following is the link to sign up.
Clothes Sorting SignUp Link
Looking Ahead
- Communion at the Home will be in July, Lord willing -
The exact date will be determined when the remodel project gets closer to completion which will allow us to use the multi-purpose room.
- July 7-8 - Proclaim & Serve in Roanoke.
We are looking for volunteers to help with the various jobs involved in hosting this conference. We appreciate your willingness to help in this way! If you sign up to volunteer, please also register for the conference! We also strongly encourage everyone to attend the conference and come to be informed about the wide variety of HarvestCall missions, as well as challenged and encouraged in our everyday mission as Christians!
- Volunteer sign-up:
Volunteer sign-up
- Conference registration:
Proclaim & Serve conference
Any questions can be directed to Landon & Katie Isaia
- 2023 Homecoming Benefit -
Save the date! The nursing home is planning the 2023 Homecoming Benefit for Saturday, August 26th, that will be held at the Roanoke Park. We are excited to return to a live auction this year, with Clark Stoller and his team once again directing the bidding. There will be food and other activities for the kids, details to be announced at a later date.
Again, we ask you to please consider donating an item to be auctioned off during our Homecoming Day Auction. If you have an item to donate, donation forms can be picked up at the home or emailed to you. Auction items can be dropped off at Cheryl Baurer’s. Please contact her to set up a time for delivery.
- August 12-13 Testimonies and Baptisms - Josh Feucht and Annie Hodel
National Church
- The annual Gateway Woods Auction will be Saturday, August 5th, in Leo. Their mission is to honor and obey God by providing help and healing to troubled children and families who then may bless others. Any auction items are greatly appreciated. If anyone needs something picked up and delivered to the auction, please contact Ann Hoffman. If you have never experienced a trip to Leo for this worthy cause, this year may just be a good opportunity to do so. For additional information, you can contact Ann.
- 2023 General Brotherhood Conference -
If you've never attended a brotherhood conference before, this is a great opportunity to do so, as it is in Morton this year on Friday August 11 from 8am-3:30pm.There will also be a general church singing and fellowship on Thursday, August 10th , from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in their Fellowship Hall, preceded by a buffet dinner in the church dining room from 4:30 to 6:00. Following is a link to sign up and
they have requested that we reply by June 30. Any questions, please contact John Bradle.
Brotherhood Conference Registration Link
- 2023 Men’s Sing will be hosted by Bluffton and Bluffton North churches on Saturday, Aug. 19, 2023, in the Bluffton North sanctuary.
Copies of the songs for the 2023 men's sing are now available at
Apostolic Christian Men Sing Link You can also register for the day at the site. Contact Chet Baumgartner at info@acmensing.org for more information
- AC Central
- Why Study Scripture- Around the Table
- Spiritual Disciplines Part 2 - Breaking Bread
Other Ways to Learn and Serve
- Safe Families is a ministry that serves at-risk families in our community to prevent children from entering the foster care system. We are hosting an informational meeting on July 20th with interested families from all the local Apostolic churches. Reach out to Michael or Abigail Rasmuson with any questions. There is also a flier attached with more information.