July’s Collection - Apostolic Christian Home of Roanoke
Sunday 7/23
- Second service - The Romans study Bro. Nate will speak on Chapter 8:18-37
Tuesday, July 25th
Sunday, July 30th
- Communion at the Home at 1:15 in the multi-purpose room.
Hail Damage Update from the Trustees:
The trustees would like to update the church on the hail damage progress. The roof repair on the church has begun. It will take about a month to complete. The first part of August they will be removing some stained glass windows and taking them back to their shop for repair. We have very unique stained glass.
When one looks at them one can see each piece has unique colors and shading. Something that is not under the hail damage cost and the trustees are going to do to preserve the stained glass windows is apply storm glazing protective covers on all the 22 stained glass windows. They put a heavy duty aluminum frame that will follow the perimeter of the stone window frame. The system will incorporate a ventilation system that will circulate the air in the space between the stained glass and the protective glass. The exterior glazing glass will be 1/4 “ plate glass. If anyone would like to make a contribution toward preserving our beautiful stained glass windows, it would be welcome. Let us know.In the near future, we are having the cracks in the parking lot filled. At the fellowship hall the roof and Dryvit are completed.
Sunday School Sign Up -
Please sign up your 3 yr old SS students by Sunday July 23rd. Sign up sheet is on the bulletin board in the north hall. Students need to be 3 yrs. old by September 1st.
Need at the Nursing Home - Our Apostolic Christian Home of Roanoke is looking for more people to come in at noon to have the lunch prayer. Please contact Jenna Sizemore for more details.
Looking Ahead
- August 12-13 Testimonies and Baptisms - Josh Feucht and Annie Hodel
- August 26th - 2023 Homecoming Benefit for the nursing home at the Roanoke Park. There will be a live auction, food and other activities for the kids..
- Please consider donating an item to be auctioned off during our Homecoming Day Auction. If you have an item to donate, donation forms can be picked up at the home or emailed to you. Auction items can be dropped off at Cheryl Baurer’s. Please contact her to set up a time for delivery. cabaurer@hotmail.com Phone number 309-645-7505
- Please consider filling a volunteer spot on the online sign up. If you have any questions about how to help, please email Penny Maher at the home at penny@achroanoke.com. Please use the following link to sign up for various areas to help -
- August 27 - Sunday School begins
National Church
- The annual Gateway Woods Auction will be Saturday, August 5th, in Leo. Their mission is to honor and obey God by providing help and healing to troubled children and families who then may bless others. Any auction items are greatly appreciated. If anyone needs something picked up and delivered to the auction, please contact Ann Hoffman. If you have never experienced a trip to Leo for this worthy cause, this year may just be a good opportunity to do so. For additional information, you can call Ann at 309-923-8301.
- 2023 General Brotherhood Conference - “Navigating Life Together in an Ever Changing World”
- For information about the schedule, topics and speakers:
Brotherhood Conference Schedule link
- To register:
Brotherhood Conference Registration Link
- Any questions, please contact John Bradle.
- 2023 Men’s Sing will be hosted by Bluffton and Bluffton North churches on Saturday, Aug. 19, 2023, in the Bluffton North sanctuary. Copies of the songs for the 2023 men's sing are now available at
Apostolic Christian Men Sing Link You can also register for the day at the site. Contact Chet Baumgartner at info@acmensing.org for more information
- AC Central
- Our Churches in Japan (1 of 3)- Around the Table
- Complex Trauma - What is it? - Breaking Bread