Apostolic Christian Church
July’s Collection - Roanoke Nursing Home
Sunday 7/24
Sunday 7/31 - Return to our newly remodeled church, Lord willing.
Saturday 8/20 - Testimonies: Michael Rasumson, Collin Wacker
August 26-27 Homecoming Day Benefit Auction - Please consider donating an item or service or make a monetary donation to our Homecoming Day Benefit. Monetary donations may be mailed to the Apostolic Christian Home of Roanoke Benefit Fund (ATTN Nate Hoffman, PO Box 530, Roanoke, IL 61561). If you have an item to donate, please contact Sis. Cheryl Baurer cabaurer@hotmail.com (309-645 7505) to arrange a time to deliver an item to her home. We would appreciate hearing from you by Monday, August 1st so your donation can be advertised ahead of the auction.
Saturday 9/10 - Testimonies: Hattie Hodel, Rachel Lindberg with baptisms on Sunday 9/11
Three-year-old Sunday School Signup - If you have a child that is 3 yrs. old - please sign them up on the sheet that is posted on the back hallway bulletin board outside the church dining room. If you are interested in helping teach this class.
Nursing Home Needs Used Tennis Balls - If anyone has used tennis balls or can collect them from a gym, please place them in the box in the fellowship hall that is located on the floor next to the donation box. We need them for the walkers
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Apostolic Christian Church