July’s Collection - Roanoke Nursing Home
Sunday, 7/7
- Prayer Gathering at 9:00 am -
All are welcome.
- 2 Thessalonians 2 Study during second service
- Lunch provided by Bob and Ann Knepp
Wednesday, 7/10
- Cemetery Volunteer Help Needed from 9-noon. Please text Greg Moser at 309-573-6891 if you are able to help so he can plan accordingly. We plan to continue this each week until Labor Day.
- Family Night -
Bro. Fedi Davidovics from Peoria will be speaking on “God’s Faithfulness During Hardship.” The evening will begin with a 6:00 pizza supper, with congregational singing beginning at 6:45, followed by the presentation at 7:00. Please sign up for pizza with the following link:
July Family Night Sign-Up Link
Thursday, 7/11
- Helping Hands will meet from 9-12
Young Group:
- SALT - Friday 7/12 - Bible Study (Hebrews) at Carol Knapp’s at 7 pm.
Congratulations to Ken & Judy Knepp -
We welcome their family to church as they celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary. (actual date 7/5/1964)
Registration Deadlines:
- Tuesday 7/9 for HarvestCall Proclaim & Serve Conference -
it will be held in Bluffton on 7/12-13
- Friday 7/12 for The Apostolic Christian Church General Conference “For Such a Time as This”
It will be held in Peoria on 8/9.
General Conference If you have any questions, contact John Bradle, our Roanoke church contact
Homecoming Day Benefit - Items are needed
for the live auction to be held on Saturday, August 24th on the nursing home campus. Please contact Jana Gastman if you are willing to donate a new item or service for the auction. We would appreciate all donations by August 1st.
The Fellowship Hall trustees have decided to replace the tables at the Fellowship Hall and would like to offer the old tables to our church family. There are 30 round tables and 10 rectangular tables available. If anyone would like one or more of these tables please contact Stacy Leman. The tables should be available to you by the beginning of August.
Save the Date - Trail Life and American Heritage Girls Open House and Registration Night will be on August 19th at 6:00pm. More details to follow.
Looking Ahead:
- Sunday 7/14
- A Biblical Perspective on Current Day Issues during 1st Service
- 2 Thessalonians 3 Study during 2nd service
- The 2024 Homecoming Benefit for the nursing home is scheduled for August 23rd and 24th. This year, all events and activities will take place on our campus.
National Church
- Saturday 8/3 - Gateway Wood Auction
- AC Central
- Salvation: a deeper understanding - Around the Table
- Child’s Play: Not at all Unimportant - Breaking Bread
- AC Medical Fellowship Conference - Past Events
- Discipleship Conference - Past Events.
Other Ways to Learn and Serve
- American Red Cross Blood Drive held in Roanoke at the park building on July 17th from 12:30 to 5:30. You can sign up by going to
www.redcrossblood.org or calling 1-800-RED-CROSS. You can also sign up by calling or texting Julie Blunier at 309-712-7491. The next blood drive in Roanoke will be held on Sept. 24th.