August’s Collection - HarvestCall Servant Fund
Sunday 8/28
- Sunday School Year Starts
- Students should be downstairs at 9:30
- 3 year-olds - kindergarten - will be in the back hall by the baby room at 10:45 to be picked up by their parents.
- Men in the Word - Start of a 4-week series of foundational Bible teaching for young men (who have not been baptized) ranging from recent high school graduates through their 20’s and 30’s. This series will be led by the Minister team taking turns with the lesson
Thursday 9/1 - Helping Hands from 9:00 - 3:00 - All are welcome.
Sunday 9/4 - Prayer Gathering at 9:00 - intermediate Sunday School Room - all are welcome
Wednesday 9/7 - HOPE - The first meeting for HOPE (our 6th-8th grade girls group) will be Weds., Sept. 7, at 6:30 at the Roanoke Park. Please see your email for details and feel free to bring a friend. We sincerely hope to see all of our 6th-8th grade girls!
Saturday 9/10 - Testimonies (singing begins at 6:45): Ben and Brittany Hodel, Hattie Hodel, Rachel Lindberg, with baptisms on Sunday 9/11
Save the Date - Ladies’ Day 2022 will be on Sat. 9/24 from 9:00 to 1:00
More details will follow.
National Church Events
- September 16-18 - Ignite
- November 12 - Apologetics Conference in Washington
Other Ways to Learn and Serve
- Heartline/Heart House Spaghettis Supper - Thursday 9/1 from 3:30-6:30 at Crosspoints Church.
- ○Volunteers Needed
- Loving Shepherd Ministries will be hosting a meal and charity auction for the vulnerable children of Haiti, Ethiopia, and the United States on Friday, September 9, 2022, at the Five Points Washington. The meal and Silent Auction start at 5:30PM with the Live Auction starting at 6:30PM. If you would like to donate an item, please contact Brittany Schwind at 309-678-8205 or The auction is a wonderful evening of fellowship and enjoyment while raising much needed funds to help the world’s most vulnerable children. And, this year, anyone who comes to the Auction for the first time will have their total auction bill matched dollar-for-dollar by a generous donor to help even more children. There will be free childcare provided, so couples with young children are encouraged to attend. Visit to learn more, including about the virtual auction component!