October’s Collection - Fellowship Hall Maintenance Fund
Sunday, October 1
- The Roanoke Bible Class will be hosting
students and teachers from our Goodfield, Tremont, Peoria and Taylor churches and will be joining us in the sanctuary for afternoon services and will be singing a few songs for us at the end of this service.
High School students need to arrive at the Fellowship Hall Sunday morning at
8:15 AM
- Prayer Gathering - 9:00 am -
All our welcome to begin our day of worship in prayer together.
- Bro. Greg and Sis. Mary Beth Lehman (Wolcott) will be with us and he will be having the morning service.
- Lunch Provided by Sam and Emily Wettstein
Wednesday, October 4
- WOW will meet at 7:00 at Bertschi’s land.
will meet during church in the basement kitchen.
- ACTIVE will meet at the Fellowship Hall at 7:15
- Scripture Memory
class begins. Scripture Memory is for all students in grades Kindergarten through fifth grade. Students should meet in the Church dining room at 7:15 and be picked up promptly after services. An informational email has been sent out to all parents. If you have not received it, please contact Jamie Hodel.
- Nursing Home Update meeting will be in place of normal Wed. night services
Thursday, October 5
- Helping Hands will meet from 9-3.
New Converts - We rejoice with Mercedes Baker (Bro. Luke & Sis. Natalie) and Josie Hodel (Bro. Dustin & Sis. Mandy) who have both begun their walk with the Lord.
Looking Ahead
- October 8th - Romans 12
- October 11th - Family Night - Clark Stoller plans to speak on “Our Heritage”.
- November 4th - Jr/Sr Mission Trip Harvest Pancake and Sausage Supper - It will be a walk in from 4-7pm, dine in only.
- Sunday, November 12 - Thanksgiving Community Hymn Sing at 6:30
- Sunday, April 14 - Communion - Communion typically is scheduled for Palm Sunday; however, due to schools having spring break, communion will be Sunday, 4/14.
National Church
- Hospital Lumiere Benefit Auction -
There will be an online auction from Thursday, November 2 at 4 p.m. through Saturday, November 4 at 4 p.m., and a
live, in-person auction
on Friday, November 10th in Gridley, IL at 7:00 p.m. with a meal starting at 4:30.
The auction is still in need of items to be donated if you would like to contribute in that way. These items should be in by October 27th. For more information on the auction and how to donate items, please visit the auction website https://www.harvestcall.org/benefit-auction.
- 2023 Apologetics Conference on Saturday, November 11 in Indianapolis -.
Registration is required and will close on November 1.
- Silver Lining welcomes your contribution -
“What practical lessons have you learned from people in the Bible, such as David, Daniel, Peter, Esther, Deborah, or others (Hebrews 11:13-16)? Submissions due by November 15. More information posted on the bulletin board.
- AC Central
- The Sunday School curriculum project -
Around the Table
- Can People Change? (Part 1 of 2) -
Breaking Bread
- Brotherhood Conference - Talks are available on Past Events