October’s Collection - Fellowship Hall Maintenance Fund
Sunday, October 8
- Second Service -
Romans 12
- Lunch Provided by Matt and Jennifer Feucht
Wednesday, October 11
- Family Night - Bro. Clark Stoller from Gridley will be speaking on the topic, “A Heritage Worth Preserving.” The pizza supper will begin at 6:30 in the church dining room, with singing at 7:15, and the presentation at 7:30. Please sign up for supper on the following link:
College Care Packages -
As a church body, we would like to remember our college student’s by praying for them, encouraging them and sending a small care package. This has been a huge blessing to the students in the past. If you would like to participate, you can pick up an envelope from the back hall bulletin board regarding a college student’s name and information. Please be intentional about reaching out to them within two weeks of receiving their information.
Scripture Memory Class is beginning their Scripture Partner Program for this school year. We are looking for individuals in church who would be willing to be partnered with a Scripture Memory student. Students will be matched with a willing individual from the congregation with a goal of connecting periodically on Sundays, along with sending some notes of encouragement. Most importantly, you would commit to lifting your student up in prayer throughout this school year. This is not a partnership that would meet outside of church. We pray this program can encourage our students, giving them a special connection with someone in church they maybe otherwise wouldn't have crossed paths with. Please sign up by Sunday October 15th if you are willing to be a part of this program.
Sunday, October 15th - Our Bible Class students have been invited to Gridley church for the day. Students need to meet in front of our Fellowship Hall at 9:10 AM in order to leave here by 9:15.
Looking Ahead
- Sunday 10/29 - Special Collection for the HarvestCall Disaster Fund - The HarvestCall Disaster Fund is set up to provide money for relief efforts in the immediate aftermath of a natural disaster AND for longer term rehabilitation. Although there is not an immediate disaster, there are not sufficient funds for this year's winter rebuilding project. For further information see:
HarvestCall Disaster Fund Collection Detail
- November 4th - Jr/Sr Mission Trip Harvest Pancake and Sausage Supper - It will be a walk in from 4-7pm, dine in only.
- Sunday, November 12 - Thanksgiving Community Hymn Sing at 6:30
- Sunday, April 14 - Communion - Communion typically is scheduled for Palm Sunday; however, due to schools having spring break, communion will be Sunday, 4/14.
National Church
- Hospital Lumiere Benefit Auction -
There will be an online auction from Thursday, November 2 at 4 p.m. through Saturday, November 4 at 4 p.m., and a
live, in-person auction
on Friday, November 10th in Gridley, IL at 7:00 p.m. with a meal starting at 4:30. The auction is still in need of items to be donated if you would like to contribute in that way. These items should be in by October 27th. For more information on the auction and how to donate items, please visit the auction website
- 2023 Apologetics Conference on Saturday, November 11 in Indianapolis -.
Registration is required and will close on November 1.
- Silver Lining welcomes your contribution -
“What practical lessons have you learned from people in the Bible, such as David, Daniel, Peter, Esther, Deborah, or others (Hebrews 11:13-16)? Submissions due by November 15. More information posted on the bulletin board.
- LifePoints Job Fair -
Thursday, November 9.
- AC Central
- The Sunday School curriculum project -
Around the Table
- Can People Change? (Part 2 of 2) -
Breaking Bread
- Brotherhood Conference - Talks are available on Past Events
Other Ways to Learn and Serve