Apostolic Christian Church
October’s Collection - Fellowship Hall Maintenance Fund
Sunday, October 15
Wednesday, October 18
College Care Packages - As a church body, we would like to remember our college student’s by praying for them, encouraging them and sending a small care package. This has been a huge blessing to the students in the past. If you would like to participate, you can pick up an envelope from the back hall bulletin board regarding a college student’s name and information. Please be intentional about reaching out to them within two weeks of receiving their information.
Scripture Memory Class is beginning their Scripture Partner Program for this school year. We are looking for individuals in church who would be willing to be partnered with a Scripture Memory student. Students will be matched with a willing individual from the congregation with a goal of connecting periodically on Sundays, along with sending some notes of encouragement. Most importantly, you would commit to lifting your student up in prayer throughout this school year. This is not a partnership that would meet outside of church. We pray this program can encourage our students, giving them a special connection with someone in church they maybe otherwise wouldn't have crossed paths with. Please sign up by Sunday October 15th if you are willing to be a part of this program. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0E4EA8AE29ABFD0-44933147-scripture
The Apostolic Christian Home of Roanoke is looking for volunteers to fill in at the Receptionist desk periodically. If you are interested, please sign up on the Bulletin Board in the back hall, or call the Nursing Home for more details.
Please check the lost and found shelves by the back door of the main ladies' restroom. Anything not claimed by November 5 will be donated.
Looking Ahead
National Church
The auction is still in need of items to be donated if you would like to contribute in that way. These items should be in by October 27th. For more information on the auction and how to donate items, please visit the auction website https://www.harvestcall.org/benefit-auction.
Other Ways to Learn and Serve
Apostolic Christian Church
Apostolic Christian Church