November’s Collection - Gateway Woods
Sunday 11/13
- Youth Choir Practice at 9:05
- Exhortation on Ordained Deacon
- 2nd Service (Bros Havey Kaeb, Ron Messner, and Frank)
will be held at the Eureka church tonight. The students should be at the High School in Roanoke at 4:45pm. The program will begin at 6pm. Everyone is invited.
Wednesday 11/16 -
- HOPE will meet at 7:15 in the church basement kitchen. The girls will be packing shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse and should bring an empty shoebox and items to put in the boxes. See email for details.
- ACTIVE is meeting at 7:15 in the Bible Class Room.
- WOW is having their Thanksgiving Feast at the Fellowship 6:30. Hope everyone can make it!
- Scripture Memory will meet at 7:15 in the Dining Room.
- Snack Buffet after church - In this season of counting our blessings and giving thanks, the Scripture Memory teachers and students would like to invite the church to join us in the dining room this Wednesday evening immediately following services for a snack buffet served as a token of our thankfulness for our church family. All are welcome to join us for a time of fellowship!
Wednesday 11/16 and Thursday 11/17 -
- Helping Hands has a large amount of fabric to get cut into squares and are planning to meet at church Wednesday and Thursday beginning at 9am and would appreciate and welcome all the help they can get. Thanks to the Valerie Kingen family, we have this need. They lost their sister, mother and father within 2 years and knew their mother would want the fabric going to a charitable cause.
Tuesday 11/22 - HarvestCall Sort Clothes -
It is Roanoke's turn for sorting clothes at Harvest Call in Goodfield from 6:30 to 8pm. Please sign up on the link or contact Eric or Jodi Hoffman by Sunday the 20th.
Clothes Sorting at Harvest Call on 11/22
Thursday 11/24 -
Thanksgiving Service at 9:30 - This is a great opportunity to invite family and friends to church. No Wednesday service on 11/23.
Sunday December 4 - Annual Church Caroling -
We will meet at the fellowship hall at 4:00.
To RSVP attendance, please sign up on the bulletin board or this link and indicate if you are both singing and eating or just joining us for the meal:
Church Caroling RSVP Attendance Link
To help set up, serve, and bring food
please click on the following link:
Church Caroling Set Up, Serve, Bring Food Signup link Also, Greg and Shar Moser are in charge of setup and are looking for a replacement to work with them this year and take over next year.
Thank You -
Bro. Harold Roth expresses his thanks for the many cards and kind words he received for his 106th birthday.
National Church
- 2023 Cultivating Connections Marriage Conference hosted by ACCFS will be in Roanoke on February 10th-11thL. This year's theme is
Knowing God in Marriage, and we look forward to a time of learning, encouragement, and fellowship. Registration is required for this in-person only event. More information as well as registration can be found at We encourage you to consider joining us for a time of learning together about Knowing God in our marriages! Registration will be open Monday (Tomorrow) 11/7/2022. As the host church, we wanted to give everyone the date in advance as the conference will be limited to a select number of couples.
- Disaster Rebuilding in USA - HarvestCall’s 2023 winter rebuilding ministry will be in Hammond, Louisiana where in 2021 Hurricane Ida caused devastation. While construction is the obvious activity of this ministry, the primary goal is to share the love of Christ and proclaim the gospel. This will take place between Jan 8 and March 24 and 40 volunteers are needed each week. Online registration is required and opens at noon central time on Nov. 16 at
- AC Central
- What is it like to become a minister?- Around the Table
- The Benefits of Laughter - Studio
- General Conference - Events
Other Ways to Learn and Serve
- Red Cross Blood Drive - The last Roanoke blood drive of the year will be Monday, December 5th from 12:30 - 5:30 at the Roanoke Park Building. Donors can sign up by going to, calling 1-800-REDCROSS or by contacting Julie Blunier at 309-712-7491.