November’s Collection - Gateway Woods
Sunday 11/6
- Youth Choir Practice at 9:05
- Prayer Gathering -
9:00am in the intermediate Sunday School room. All are welcome to begin our day of worship with sharing some time in prayer.
- Foundations Sunday school class
will begin again after a 4 week break and be meeting during morning service in the adult Sunday school classroom in the North east corner downstairs. The class will be opening up to females and couples so we would like to encourage any friends to join in. Please contact Bro. Jonathan Hodel if you have any questions.
- Thanksgiving Family Hymn Sing
at 5:30 pm. All are welcome to share a meal together in the dining room and then gather together in the sanctuary to praise our Savior in song!
- Worship service at the Peoria Rescue Mission. We will meet in the West parking lot at 7:15. We will be back in time for our Church service. Contact Tim Martin if you have questions.
- Visiting Minister - Bro. Brad and Sis Amanda Stoller (Eureka) will be with us for the morning service
Wednesday 11/9 -
- Family Night -
will be a presentation from the Bible Class about their mission trip to Sunset Gap earlier this year. Supper will begin at 6:30 in the church dining room and the presentation will be at the Fellowship Hall with singing starting at 7:15. We are requesting a RSVP so that we can order an accurate number of pizzas. Click here to sign up for supper -
Saturday 11/12 -
- ACTIVE will be raking yards.
Please contact Katie Isaia if you would like to have your yard raked. Contact info: call/text: 309-339-7074, email:
Thursday 11/24 -
Thanksgiving Service at 9:30 - This is a great opportunity to invite family and friends to church. See the attached announcement that will be mailed out to the community of Roanoke and surrounding rural areas later this week.
Ordained Deacon Update -
There was almost unanimous support for moving forward with seeking out an ordained deacon. The next steps are as follows:
- Tuesday 11/8 - Ministers and their wives will be interviewed by Bros. Harvey Kaeb (Gridley), Trent Meiss (Eureka) and Ron Messner (Washington)
- Sunday 11/13 - Exhortation on ordained deacon during 2nd Service (Bros Havey Kaeb, Ron Messner, and Frank)
- Wednesday 11/23 - Final date to mail ballots to Bro. Trent Meiss
- Wednesday 11/30 Results will be made known and a confirmation vote will be taken if there is a candidate
- March - Candidate for ordained deacon will be interviewed by the elder body at Cissna Park for final approval.
Thank You from Ray Blunier and family -
“I have no words.” That was a phrase I heard often said to me in the visitation lines for Wendy. I can relate as I try to express the gratitude that I am feeling for all the expressions of love, prayers and support that Wendy and I and our family have received in the past and especially these last few weeks. I believe the church body is working the way God intended, sharing each other’s joys and sorrows, and serving and being served according to our abilities and needs. It’s a beautiful thing.
I also believe that our capacity to feel a depth of emotions beyond our intellectual ability to describe those feelings is by design. Even when trying to express my gratitude, I need God to finish the work. I am comforted by knowing that the ultimate recompense for the love you have shown is His to give, not mine. It’s a beautiful thing.
May God continue to bless us all as we press on toward the mark of our high calling.
Ray Blunier and family
National Church
- 2023 Cultivating Connections Marriage Conference hosted by ACCFS will be in Roanoke on February 10th-11thL. This year's theme is
Knowing God in Marriage, and we look forward to a time of learning, encouragement, and fellowship. Registration is required for this in-person only event. More information as well as registration can be found at We encourage you to consider joining us for a time of learning together about Knowing God in our marriages! Registration will be open Monday (Tomorrow) 11/7/2022. As the host church, we wanted to give everyone the date in advance as the conference will be limited to a select number of couples.
- Disaster Rebuilding in USA - HarvestCall’s 2023 winter rebuilding ministry will be in Hammond, Louisiana where in 2021 Hurricane Ida caused devastation. While construction is the obvious activity of this ministry, the primary goal is to share the love of Christ and proclaim the gospel. This will take place between Jan 8 and March 24 and 40 volunteers are needed each week. Online registration is required and opens at noon central time on Nov. 16 at
- AC Central
- What is it like to become a minister?- Around the Table
- The Benefits of Laughter - Studio
- General Conference - Events