April’s Collection -Charity Fund
- (see information below)
Wednesday 4/29 - Family Bible Study on James
Sunday 5/3 - Brothers’ Prayer Gathering at 8:00AM through Zoom -
information on how to connect will be e-mailed out with the announcements next Sunday morning.
With so many unknowns over the next several weeks we have decided to cancel Vacation Bible School for this summer. It is disappointing, as we always look forward to VBS, and seeing God work in the lives of our kids. This decision was based on the uncertainty regarding CDC guidelines on gathering sizes in June and being mindful of the investment of time and materials put into preparing VBS each year. Please continue to be prayerful for the youth of our church and the many ways social distancing has affected their lives.
The Prairie Choristers are planning to do some remote practices in preparation for a program when the quarantine has ended. If you would like to participate in singing with them. Please let Brother Phil know by sending him an email at
- If your family would be interested in recording a few Sunday School songs for our Family Singalong, please send your recording to Bro. Jonathan Hodel.
The charity fund is used to support those in need of financial assistance both within our church and our community. At times we may take up a special collection if there is a major event or crisis in our local community. We also support local organizations like the food pantry, Heart House, Berean Ministries (see featured summary below) on a regular basis. With the changes we've made this year in opening the Operational Fund, the charity fund will be used solely for charitable purposes. All of the other other costs for functions such as national brotherhood support and ministry and outreach activities will now
come from the Operational Fund.You can make donations to the Charity Fund by sending your checks to Sis. Jenell Hodel or online (