May’s Collection - ACCFS -
Apostolic Christian Counseling and Family Services (ACCFS) is a servant agency of the Apostolic Christian Church of America and our elder body. Your generous support enables ACCFS to provide Christ Centered Counseling and Church Outreach Services to our church family and others as requested. Counseling services are provided on a sliding fee scale based on annual family income, so no person is denied help based on their ability to pay. You can learn more about ACCFS at:
Sunday 5/3 - Brothers’ Prayer Gathering at 8:00 AM through Zoom
Thursday 5/7 - National Day of Prayer Service at 7:15 -
There will be no church on Wed. night.
With so many unknowns over the next several weeks we have decided to cancel Vacation Bible School for this summer. It is disappointing, as we always look forward to VBS, and seeing God work in the lives of our kids. This decision was based on the uncertainty regarding CDC guidelines on gathering sizes in June and being mindful of the investment of time and materials put into preparing VBS each year. Please continue to be prayerful for the youth of our church and the many ways social distancing has affected their lives.
- formerly known as the Athens/Tennessee Fellowship Weekend has been cancelled.
The August General Conference in Rittman is Cancelled Due to COVID-19
- We are canceling the in-person Thursday evening Elder/Minister Meeting and Friday General Conference this year at Rittman, the Agenda Committee is working on alternative approaches for us to communicate with the Church in August. We would ask each of you to be prayerful as they seek to discern the Holy Spirit’s direction so that we can still “gather together” in a way that is “decent and in good order.” At this point, we have not made a decision regarding an in-person Elder Meeting this August. Lord willing, we plan on determining the appropriate path forward for the Elder Meeting by mid-June. We trust this decision, which was made prayerfully and carefully, reflects the Holy Spirit’s direction, as well as an understanding of the current and near future “reassembling of large gatherings” realities across the United States. We appreciate the efforts of the Rittman brethren that have been underway over the last year to be prepared for the upcoming Conference, and trust that the way will open for us to assemble with them at a General Conference in 2021. Our prayer is that "
your love may abound more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; that you may approve things that are excellent; that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ; being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God
- The COVID -19 Advisory Committee is currently looking into how we will open up church. Reopening the church will be more difficult than it was closing church. It will require much forethought, prayer and grace. More information will be coming within the next few weeks.