March’s Collection - LifePoints
Sunday 3/19
- New Hymnal - For the next several Sundays we will use the new hymnal only during the song worship from 11:30-11:45; so, we can continue to become more familiar with it as a congregation. The ministers may give off a number from the new hymnal as a part of the service. The song leaders will determine when it will be incorporated with other hymnals throughout all of our services. A special thanks to our song leaders for guiding us through this transition.
Wednesday 3/22
- Wed. Evening Service - PreCommunion Message
The trustees would like to thank
all those who gave of their time to help clean the church over the past week and weekend. We appreciate your efforts very much and ask that God would bless each of you.
New monthly Apostolic Christian Church Email newsletter
will begin April 3 to inform about new AC content, hear from church leadership on timely topics, stay up to date on AC events, etc. See the attached informational document for more information.. To opt-in, go to this link
Apostolic Christian Church Email Newsletter Signup Link
Looking Ahead
- Sunday 3/26 - We have been invited (along with Tremont) to a family hymn sing at the Gridley Church at 6:30.
- Tuesday 3/28 - Clothes sorting at the HarvestCall building in Goodfield from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. Use the following link to sign up.
HarvestCall Clothes Sorting Signup Link
- Wednesday 3/29 - Testimonies - Milt and Jen Getz and Elizabeth Klaus
- Saturday 4/1 -
Cemetery Clean-Up at 8:00 AM -
Please bring rakes, large garbage containers, and lots of weed trimmers. Please remove any grave decorations that you would like to keep before cleanup.
- Sunday 4/2 - Communion
- Save the Date: Ladies’ Night on 4/14, 7-8:30 pm. More info to follow
- Saturday 5/6 - Testimonies - Jackson Beer and Dan Moser (with baptisms on Sunday 5/7)
National Church
- AC Central
- The AC ministry model (1 of 2)- Around the Table
- Caring for Tragedy in the Church Community - Studio
Other Ways to Learn and Serve
- Berean Prison Ministry Bible studies are available for grading in the North hall.
Our church website:
Our church calendar: