March’s Collection - LifePoints
Sunday 3/26
- Dennis Kaufmann will begin the next Sunday Bible Study Series on the book of Romans during the afternoon service. He will be providing an introduction to the book, with the Roanoke ministers starting the study on April 16th. A Romans Study Guide will be provided on March 26th to all who have interest in doing their own personal or small group study as well.
- Evening Family Hymn Sing in Gridley at 6:30. We have been invited (along with Tremont).
Tuesday 3/28
Wednesday 3/29
- Testimonies at 7:15 -
Milt and Jen Getz and Elizabeth Klaus
Saturday 4/1
- Cemetery Clean-Up at 8:00 AM - Please bring rakes, large garbage containers, and lots of weed trimmers. Please remove any grave decorations that you would like to keep before cleanup.
Thank you from Fred, Jodi and family: To our church family, We have been so blessed by each of you. To make a list of people who have helped or gifted us things would be impossible. So we just pray that the Lord sees each and every act of love done on our behalf and blesses each of you in return. Thank you from the deepest parts of our heart for your prayers, your love, your gifts and your service. We feel welcomed back and loved and love each of you in return! In Christ, Fred and Jodi, Letty, Noah, Ethan, Ivy, and Isaac
Looking Ahead
- Sunday 4/2 - Palm Sunday - Additional information for Holy Week will be emailed on Thursday 3/30.
- Morning service at the Peoria Rescue Mission. We'll meet in the West parking lot at 7:15. Should be back in time for our morning service. Any questions, contact Tim or Linda Martin. Join us!
- Prayer Meeting 9:00 am
- Foundations Class during morning service
- Sunday School Easter Program - 2nd Service
- Communion at 6:00 pm
- Thursday 4/6 - Helping Hands from 9:00 - 3:00
- Friday 4/7 - Good Friday Services at 7:15 - with the Prairie Choristers
- Sunday 4/9 Easter Sunday -
- 7:30 - Early morning worship service with The Prairie Choristers and Youth Choir
- 8:30 Easter morning breakfast. There are a variety of opportunities to help with breakfast, both before and during the event. Sign up to help at Easter Breakfast 2023. Contact Sis. Lydia Bertschi with questions. Also note that any purchases may be reimbursed (save and turn in receipts to Lydia Bertschi). Thank you in advance for your contribution to this special day.
- 9:30 - Sunday School and Sunday service - There will be no lunch or 11:30 service.
- Wednesday 4/12 - Family Night - Matt Kaufmann from Bloomington will be speaking on
Developing a Love for God’s Word. Supper will begin at 6:30 in the church dining room and singing will begin at 7:15. Please click the link below to sign up for pizza:
- Friday 4/14 - Ladies’ Night, Join the women of Roanoke church for an evening of encouragement in your relationship with the Lord as we yearn to know Him more through His Word. Ladies' Night will be held at the Fellowship Hall from 6:45-8:30pm. Please sign up (, or on the sign up sheet on the women's bulletin board. 7-8:30 pm. More info to follow
- Sunday 4/16 - Belvidere church invite - Belvidere is looking to connect and build relationships with brothers, sisters, and families in central Illinois to help bolster their small church. They would like to welcome Roanoke brethren and friends to join them for the day or worship and fellowship. If you are interested in joining in on this effort please contact Bro. Jonathan or Sis. Megan Hodel.
- Saturday 5/6 - Testimonies - Jackson Beer and Dan Moser (with baptisms on Sunday 5/7)
National Church
- Sunday 4/30 - LifePoints’ Midwest Gospel Sing at Five Points at 6:00 PM
- New monthly Apostolic Christian Church Email newsletter will begin April 3 to inform about new AC content, hear from church leadership on timely topics, stay up to date on AC events, etc. See the attached informational document for more information.. To opt-in, go to this link
Apostolic Christian Church Email Newsletter Signup Link, or scan the QR code on the attached document.
- AC Central
- The AC ministry model (1 of 2)- Around the Table
- Our Intuitive Playbook -Why we think, feel and react to people the way we do Part 1 - Studio
Other Ways to Learn and Serve
- Berean Prison Ministry Bible studies
are available for grading in the North hall.