Apostolic Christian Church
April’s Collection - Charity Fund
Sunday 4/28
If this doesn’t work for you, you can email photos to DirectoryUpdates@roanokeacchurch.org. We request that they have a plain background - 1 group photo of your entire household (landscape format) and then 1 of each person alone (portrait format). If you have any questions, you can contact a trustee.
Individual photos will be uploaded to the digital directory currently available to all in our church mobile app. We plan to include the group photos in a PDF version of our printed church directory. We thank you for your cooperation and pray this will be a blessing to all.
Roanoke Church Mobile App - It has come to our attention that many do not realize that Roanoke church has our own Church App. It was developed to consolidate information from several pages from our website to put Roanoke-specific information at your fingertips including our church directory. The individual pictures we are taking will be uploaded to this directory. This is a totally different app than AC Central. You can find out information about this app and how to download it at https://www.roanokeacchurch.org/mobile-app .
Wednesday, 5/1 - National Day of Prayer Service 7:15pm
Thursday, 5/2 - Helping Hands will meet 9am-12
Friday, 5/3 - SALT and LIGHT will be meeting at Clark and Lisa Leman's home at 7:00 pm for a Testimony/Teaching evening.
Volunteer Help Needed - The updated Gospel Hymns, which contains over 900 songs, was reviewed several times during this intense project. Despite our best efforts, a few errors have been found. The Apostolic Christian Bookstore is in need of volunteers to help place correction stickers in them. If your Young Group, Bible study group, sewing group, potluck group, Bible Class, etc. is looking for an opportunity to serve the church, please contact Sis Rachel Schrock at 309-326-3050 ext 3 or rschrock@onwardmedia.org to schedule a Thursday evening, Saturday morning, or weekday time for your group. Mature help is requested as books must stay in brand-new condition.
Looking Ahead
National Church
Other Ways to Learn and Serve
Apostolic Christian Church
Apostolic Christian Church