May’s Collection - ACCFS
Sunday 5/5
- Prayer Gathering -
All are welcome to begin our day of worship with a prayer gathering in the Intermediate Sunday School Room at 9:00 am.
- Lunch provided by Tom and Kathy Hoffman
- Second Service All Church Bible Study
- I Thessalonians 3
Wednesday, 5/8 - Family Night
Brant Rushton will share his story of Redemption. Pizza at 6:00pm with singing starting at 6:45, message at 7:00.
Friday, 5/10
will be meeting for a Bible Study at Bill and Jeanne Leman's home at 7:00 pm.
will be meeting for a Bible Study at Martha Brakers's home at 7:00 pm.
Congratulations - Brian and Rebekah Schwind welcomed their son, Micah Dillon, on 4/24/24. Landon and Katie Isaia welcomed their son, Blaze Richard, on 4/30/24.
Looking Ahead
- 5/19 - Baccalaureate Service
- 5/26-6/1 - Bible Class Mission Trip
- 6/3 -6/7 - Vacation Bible School
National Church
- Volunteer Help Needed -The Apostolic Christian Bookstore is in need of volunteers to help place correction stickers in the updated Gospel Hymns. If your Young Group, Bible study group, sewing group, potluck group, Bible Class, etc. is looking for an opportunity to serve the church, please contact Sis Rachel Schrock at 309-326-3050 ext 3 or to schedule a Thursday evening, Saturday morning, or weekday time for your group. Mature help is requested as books must stay in brand-new condition.
- ALive 2024
hosted by the Athens, Alabama congregation will be held May 24-27 register at:
- AC Central
- Trusting in Scripture -
Around the Table
- Making Peace with Pain (Part 1 of 2) -
Breaking Bread
Other Ways to Learn and Serve
- Red Cross Blood Drive,
Tuesday May 7th 12:30-5:30 at Thompson Community Center (the park building) in Roanoke. Donors can register by going to, calling 1-800-RED-CROSS or calling or texting Julie Blunier at 309-712-7491.