Apostolic Christian Church
June’s Collection - Operational Fund
Sunday 6/9
Wednesday, 6/12
This weekend - 6/14-6/16 will be Jr. High Boys and Girls Camps.
Convert - We rejoice with Lucy Kaufman (Bro. Matt and Sis. Melissai) who has begun her walk with the Lord.
Thank you from David & Claire - We would like to thank the whole church for supporting us through this journey with Nico. Thank you for all the prayers and the continued support that we have received from you all in many different ways. We sent praise to our Lord for such support and love and for a healthy baby with a healthy heart. So thankful for his faithfulness. This is a little late but we would like to thank our church family for all the support financially, the many many cards received, the food brought to our house, and the many prayers lifted up to God while we were in the hospital before Nico was born and after when he was with us. We were time and time again blown away by the blessings of a church family taking action and being the hands and feet of Jesus and showering us with your prayers. Again we want to let you all know how noticed and very much appreciated all your love and support was and is. Keep sharing His love to all, David, Claire, and Nico.
The 2024 Homecoming Benefit for the nursing home is scheduled for August 23rd and 24th. This year, all events and activities will take place on our campus. We are now accepting donated items for the auction, and monetary donations to help offset the expense incurred as we prepare for the Benefit.
The Senior Breakfast for the Bible Class will be Sunday, June 30 at 9:15 at the Fellowship Hall. All seniors, their parents, the Bible Class, the Bible Class teachers and their wives are invited.
The Apostolic Christian Church of America General Conference will be held in Peoria on Friday, August 9. It will begin with singing at 8:00 AM and conclude around 3:30 PM. There will be a buffet dinner and fellowship in the church dining room from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM on Thursday, August 8th for anyone attending the Friday conference. If you cannot attend in person, a live stream of the Friday General Conference will be available. If you have any questions, contact John Bradle, our Roanoke church contact.
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Apostolic Christian Church