Apostolic Christian Church
July’s Collection - Roanoke Nursing Home
Wednesday 7/13 - Wednesday Evening Family Night - Supper will begin at 6:30. Because of the current setup at the fellowship hall, we will be eating in the church lunch room. Families will eat upon arrival to the church, and then proceed to the fellowship hall for the Bible Class presentation, which will begin at 7:15. Please use the northwest doors to enter and exit the church, and please use caution when driving in the parking lot.
Sunday 7/17 -
Start of Church Lunch - Although we cannot use the sanctuary at this time, the dining room is available. After the 9:30 service at the fellowship hall, church lunch will be served in the dining room followed by a 2nd service at the fellowship hall. We will attempt to maintain the same schedule as in the past while moving between the fellowship hall and the church. We ask for your patience during the next week or two until we are back in the assembly room.
August 26-27 Homecoming Day Benefit Auction - Please consider donating an item or service or make a monetary donation to our Homecoming Day Benefit. Monetary donations may be mailed to the Apostolic Christian Home of Roanoke Benefit Fund (ATTN Nate Hoffman, PO Box 530, Roanoke, IL 61561). If you have an item to donate, please contact Sis. Cheryl Baurer cabaurer@hotmail.com (309-645 7505) to arrange a time to deliver an item to her home. We would appreciate hearing from you by Monday, August 1st so your donation can be advertised ahead of the auction.
Update on the Leman’s Return from PNG - 7/8 depart PNG and spend a week in Brisbane, 7/15 arrive in North Carolina and spend 2 weeks, 8/4 travel to Ft. Wayne, 8/10 travel to Roanoke and spend 2 weeks and then return to JAARS in North Carolina for an indefinite period of time. Please keep them in your prayers during this time of transition.
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Apostolic Christian Church