Apostolic Christian Church
July’s Collection - Roanoke Nursing Home
Sunday 7/3
Tues-Wed 7/5-7/6 - Church Cleaning from 9:00 - 3:00 - Additional details are contained below in the Church Remodeling Update
Wednesday 7/6 - Wednesday Evening Service - Song service from 7:00-7:30
Thursday 7/7
Wednesday 7/13 - Wednesday Evening Family Night - a simple supper at 6:30, singing at 7:15, Bible Class presentation on their recent mission trip to Sunset Gap at 7:30. If you have suggestions for future topical studies or presentations, please contact Bro. Matt Feucht.
August 26-27 Homecoming Day Benefit Auction - Please consider donating an item or service or make a monetary donation to our Homecoming Day Benefit. Monetary donations may be mailed to the Apostolic Christian Home of Roanoke Benefit Fund (ATTN Nate Hoffman, PO Box 530, Roanoke, IL 61561). If you have an item to donate, please contact Sis. Cheryl Baurer cabaurer@hotmail.com (309-645 7505) to arrange a time to deliver an item to her home. We would appreciate hearing from you by Monday, August 1st so your donation can be advertised ahead of the auction.
Sunday 8/28 - In the Word - A 4-week series of foundational Bible teaching. If you know of anyone who is transitioning out of high school or friends who would like to learn more about the basics of the Bible, please pass along their contact information to bro. Jonathan Hodel. This 4 week series will be split between male . and female and taught by the ministers and their wives.
Church Remodeling Update - We are nearing completion of the church remodeling project and would like to provide an update to the church. First, the Building Committee would like to thank all the volunteers who have selflessly given so many hours of their time to assist with the project along with all who have provided generous financial support.
Although most of the remodeling is completed, the benches (for which delivery dates have been changed several times) are not yet installed. The current estimated date for bench installation is the week of July 17th. Currently, we are ready to begin the first phase of cleaning.
We have scheduled cleaning for this coming Tuesday and Wednesday, July 5th and 6th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Anyone who is available is invited to help out. Even if you can only help for an hour or two, you are welcome to help for whatever time you have available. There will be a lunch provided. We will also schedule another final cleaning after the benches are installed if you would like to help but are not able to make it on July 5th or 6th.
The basement is being cleaned by Sister Ali Knepp, so there will be no cleaning required there. However, all Sunday School teachers are requested to take any personal items out of their rooms.
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Apostolic Christian Church