August’s Collection - HarvestCall Servant Fund
Sunday 8/13
- Service at the Rescue Mission in Peoria. We'll meet in the West parking lot at 7:15. We'd love some singing help. We usually return by 9:30.
Any questions, please see Tim or Linda Martin.
- Baptisms - Josh Feucht and Annie Hodel
- Lunch Provided by Matt and Melissa Kaufman
The Power Point from the Technology Talk last Wednesday by Robert Hermann is available as a PDF on AC Central. The talk is under Sermons. When you click listen or watch, there will be a button that says View PDF Attachment. You can view it there or download it.
Save the Date - Ladies’ Day
will be on Saturday, September 16th from 9am-12 pm with brunch served. More info coming soon.
Belvedere Invite - Roanoke church is invited to Belvedere on Sunday, August 27th to help support their small congregation. If interested please let Jonathan or Megan know.
Looking Ahead
- Sunday August 20th - Conference Summary during 2nd service.
- Tuesday, August 22nd - Roanoke's evening for clothes sorting
at the HarvestCall building in Goodfield from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. Please sign-up on the following link.
Harvest Call Clothes Sorting 8/22
- Men's Steak Dinner on Friday September 8 at Stephen & Susan Bertschi's land. All men, high school age and older, are welcome to attend! Come anytime after 5 pm and dinner will be served at 6 pm. In case of rain, it will be rescheduled for Saturday September 9.
Link to online RSVP: Men's Steak Dinner RSVP Link
Link to online food sign up: Men's Steak Dinner Food Sign Up Link
- August 26th - 2023 Homecoming Benefit for the nursing home at the Roanoke Park. There will be a live auction, food and other activities for the kids..
- Thank you for your generous support and your willingness to donate items for our Live Auction at the Roanoke Park on Saturday, August 26, 2023. We now have a wonderful variety of items for our Homecoming Days Auction. If you have reached out to Cheryl Baurer regarding donating an item and have not dropped it off at her house, please contact her to make arrangements at before August 1st.
We are excited that the auction is in person this year, but we are using the 32auction site to display the items at Auction items will be added to this site over the next couple of weeks.
- Please consider filling a volunteer spot on the online sign up. If you have any questions about how to help, please email Penny Maher at the home at Please use the following link to sign up for various areas to help -
- August 27
- Sunday School begins
- Romans 9 - Second Service
National Church
- 2023 Men’s Sing will be on Sat., Aug. 19 in the Bluffton North sanctuary. Copies of the songs are available at
Apostolic Christian Men Sing Link You can also register for the day at the site. Contact Chet Baumgartner at for more information
- The first "Grafted Gathering" event will be held on Saturday, September 23rd (Adoption/Foster Families Support Day) If there's a cause worth fighting for, it's this: Children belong in families and need Love and Support. Join us for a day of learning and sharing together on this important cause at the West Lafayette Apostolic Christian Church. Registration is now open! View details and registration at this link:
- AC Central
- Our Churches in Japan (3 of 3)- Around the Table
- Tech & Kids Part 1 - Breaking Bread
- Proclaim and Serve - Talks are available Past Events