August’s Collection - HarvestCall Servant Fund
Sunday 8/20
- Conference Summary during 2nd service
- Lunch Provided by Stephen and Susan Bertschi
Tuesday, August 22nd
- Roanoke's evening for clothes sorting
at the HarvestCall building in Goodfield from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. Please sign-up on the following link.
Harvest Call Clothes Sorting 8/22
Friday, August 25th - Drive Through Fish Fry
with green beans, coleslaw and cookies ($12). This will once again be behind the nursing home along Davison St.
Saturday, August 26th - 2023 Homecoming Benefit for the nursing home at the Roanoke Park.
Sunday, August 27
- Sunday School begins
- Reminder to the parents of the 3 yr. old - Kindergarten SS students -
The teachers will be bringing them up to the south hallway in the west corner each Sunday at 10:45. Parents, please meet them there.
- Belvedere Invite - Roanoke church is invited to Belvedere on Sunday, August 27th to help support their small congregation. If interested please let Jonathan or Megan know.
- Romans 9 - Second Service
Hosting Young Group -
The young group is looking for people who would be willing to host them occasionally for Friday night Bible studies. If you are interested in being on the list, please contact Riley Beer or Joanna Moser.
Looking Ahead
- Friday, September 8 - Men's Steak Dinner
at Stephen & Susan Bertschi's land. All men, high school age and older, are welcome to attend! Come anytime after 5 pm and dinner will be served at 6 pm. In case of rain, it will be rescheduled for Saturday September 9.
Link to online RSVP: Men's Steak Dinner RSVP Link
Link to online food sign up: Men's Steak Dinner Food Sign Up Link
- Saturday, September 16th - Ladies’ Day from 9am-12 pm with brunch served. More info coming soon.
National Church
- The first "Grafted Gathering" event will be held on Saturday, September 23rd (Adoption/Foster Families Support Day) If there's a cause worth fighting for, it's this: Children belong in families and need Love and Support. Join us for a day of learning and sharing together on this important cause at the West Lafayette Apostolic Christian Church. Registration is now open! View details and registration at this link:
- AC Central
- A Christian Approach to Estate Planning- Around the Table
- Tech & Kids Part 1 - Breaking Bread
- Brotherhood Conference - Talks are available on Past Events